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Hosted By Hoda Violante 100 200 400 300 400 PerimeterArea VolumeProperties 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted By Hoda Violante

3 100 200 400 300 400 PerimeterArea VolumeProperties 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 7 inches The sides of this shape are all the same length. If the perimeter is 42 inches, what is the length of one side?

5 1,2 Find the area of the given shape. 7 mi 4 mi 7 mi 3 mi 11 mi 61 sq miles

6 1,3 216 cubic cm

7 1,4 Name the given property 5 x 0 = 0 Zero Property

8 2,1 5 meters by 6 meters If you had 30 meters of fence to build a rectangular dog kennel, what dimensions would give your dog the most room to play?

9 2,2 4 yards

10 2,3 Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 6 ft 5 ft 17 ft 510 cubic ft

11 2,4 Find the missing number and identify the property. 9 + ? = 4 + 9 4; commutative property

12 3,1 C Which of these rectangles has the greatest perimeter? A.5 x 8 B.2 x 20 C.1 x 30 D.6 x 10

13 3,2 45 square units What is the area of this shape?

14 3,3 A box has a volume 27 cubic feet. What are all the possible dimensions of the box? 9 ft, 3ft, 1 ft 3ft, 3 ft, 3ft 1ft, 1 ft, 27 ft

15 3,4 Below are two properties for the perimeter of a rectangle. P=l+w+l+w P=2 (l+w) Both of these formulas give You the same answer based on the __________ property. (Be prepared to explain your reasoning.) The Distributive Property

16 4,1 1 by 9, 2 by 8, 3 by 7, 4 by 6, & 5 by 5

17 4,2 June and Joe were planning to build a new garage. They have 200 square feet of space. What size would take the least amount of lumber for the walls, and thus be the cheapest to build? 10ft by 20 ft

18 4,3 A rectangular solid has a base with length 6 cm and width 5 cm. If the volume of the solid is 300 cm3, find the height of the solid. 10 cm

19 4,4 Rewrite this expression using the associative Property: C+(B+D) = (C+B) + D

20 5,1 5 by 10 rectangle If you had 50 square tiles, what rectangular shape would have the least perimeter?

21 5,2 31.5 sq units What is the area of the pink figure?

22 5,3 Mandy’s window box is 100 inches long, 25 inches wide and 35 inches high. It needs to be filled with compost. The compost should come to 5 inches below the top of the box. What volume of compost does she need? 75,000 cubic feet

23 5,4 Does the commutative property work for division? Give an example to prove your answer. Be prepared to explain your reasoning. No. You will not get the same answer when you change the order in division. 10 /5 = 2 5 / 10 = 0.5

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