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Monday 23 rd September Father, strengthen our determination to work for a world of peace and justice, our conviction that, whatever our nationality or.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 23 rd September Father, strengthen our determination to work for a world of peace and justice, our conviction that, whatever our nationality or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 23 rd September Father, strengthen our determination to work for a world of peace and justice, our conviction that, whatever our nationality or race, we are all global citizens, one in Christ, our courage to challenge the powerful with the values of the Gospel, our commitment to find nonviolent ways of resolving conflict personal, local, national and international and our efforts to forgive injuries and to love those we find it hard to love. Teach us To share the gifts you have given us, to speak out for the victims of injustice who have no voice and to reject the violence which runs through much of our world today. Amen

2 Walsingham is England’s national shrine to Our Lady, and a major place of pilgrimage and prayer. It is in Norfolk, a few miles from the North Sea, and is a small village set in the green countryside characteristic of this corner of Britain. The shrine dates back to the 12 th century, when the local lady of the manor, Richeldis, had a vision of the Holy House – the home of the Holy family at Nazareth – on this spot. For centuries, pilgrims visited here and Our Lady of Walsingham was honoured with countless processions and prayers. Springs of water – they still exist today – were said to have healing powers. A great priory drew men who devoted themselves to the religious life. At the shrine itself, the image was always surrounded by candles, flowers, and gifts left by grateful pilgrims who had knelt there in prayer. TUESDAY 24 TH SEPTEMBER OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM

3 Lord God, in the mystery of the Incarnation Mary conceived your Son in her heart before she conceived Him in her womb. As we, your pilgrim people, rejoice in her patronage, grant that we also may welcome Him into our hearts, and so, like her, be made a holy house fit for His eternal dwelling. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

4 WEDNESDAY 25 TH SEPTEMBER St Matthew’s Prayer Make us worthy members of our school community Willing always to learn, work and play together in harmony and peace; Willing always to seek the Kingdom of God through service to each other and friendship with Jesus, our Brother. Help us not to run away from commitment or challenge, but to follow your example with confidence and hope. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

5 THURSDAY 26 TH SEPTEMBER SAINT COSMAS AND DAMIAN, MARTYRS According to ancient tradition, Cosmas and Damian were doctors who were martyred in Syria around 300. There is evidence that their tomb was at Cyrrhus, where a basilica was built in their honour.

6 Good Morning God You are ushering in another day untouched and freshly new, so here I come to ask You God if You’ll renew me too? Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday, and let me try again dear God, to walk closer in Thy way. But Father, I am well aware I can’ t make it on my own. So take my hand and hold it tight for I can’t walk alone. Amen. Helen Steiner Rice

7 Prayer to St. Vincent De Paul O Glorious Saint Vincent de Paul, The mention of your name, Suggests a litany of your virtues: Humility, zeal, mercy, self-sacrifice. It also recalls Your many foundations: Works of Mercy, Congregations, Societies. The Church gratefully remembers, Your promotion of the priesthood. Inspire all Charitable Workers, Especially those who minister, To both the spiritually And the materially poor. O Lord, give us the grace, That You bestowed upon, Your servant St. Vincent de Paul, To relinquish the temptation, Of material things, In our holy effort, To minister to the poor. Amen. FRIDAY 27 TH SEPTEMBER SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL, PRIEST

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