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Radiation Monitoring and Protection

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1 Radiation Monitoring and Protection
Rad T 110 Radiation Monitoring and Protection

2 Personnel Monitoring Required when a worker may receive 10% or more of the annual MPD Typically monitoring is done when 1% is expected Placement Collar level Outside the apron if used Second may be used for pregnancy Extremity monitors also

3 Types Film badges OSL; MC device today 10 mrem to 500 rem Cheap
Aluminum oxide which is read by a laser Typically worn for 2 months 1 mrem and sensitive to 5 keV to 40 MeV of energy

4 Types cont. TLD Pocket ionization chambers Lithium floride
Reasonably sensitive Cannot be re-read Pocket ionization chambers Good for immediate feedback Not very reliable Sensitive to mechanical energy

5 Dosimetry Reports Deep Eye Shallow doses

6 Patient Protection Effective Communication Verbal messages
Concise instructions Appropriate communication

7 Immobilization Voluntary motion Involuntary motion Lack of control
Immobilization devices work with this group Involuntary motion Fast exposure times with high mA helps Possibly increasing kVp will help 15% rule shorter exposure Fast film/screen combinations


9 Beam Limiting Devices Diaphragms Cones Collimators
Limit the amount of tissue the beam exposes Also, limit the amount of scatter produced Our exposure

10 Variable Collimator 2 sets of lead shutters limit the divergence of the beam Collimator and light field +/- 2% of the SID Positive beam limitation (PBL) Automatic collimator, collimates to the field size put in the bucky tray

11 Filtration Total filtration Inherent Added
Inherent plus added filtration Inherent Glass envelope Oil Window of the tube housing 0.5 mm Al Added Aluminum added to meet requirements

12 Total Filtration 2.5 mm Al > 70 kVp 1.5 mm Al 50 – 70 kVp
Mobiles/portables and Fluoro units are required to have at least 2.5 mm Al

13 Long wavelength photons
Filter Short wavelength photons

14 Half Value Layer (HVL) This is the amount of aluminum required to reduce the beam intensity to half its original value. This is variable based on the selected kVp As kVp is increased the penetrability of the beam increases Therefore, the amount of Al necessary to halve the beam intensity will have to increase as well.

15 Protective Shielding Gonadal shields
Gonads need to be shielded when they are within 5cm of the beam Unless shielding will obscure anatomy Required to have at least 0.5 mm Pb

16 Types of Gonadal Shields
Flat contact Shadow Shaped contact Clear lead

17 Specific area shielding
Breast during scoliosis screening Clear lead filter PA instead of AP

18 Compensating filters Trough or bilateral wedge Wedge filter
For chest images Wedge filter Specialized metal filters Copper


20 Technical Factors Technique charts High kVp low mAs techniques
This is within a specific body part or region

21 Film Processing and QC The processor has to work correctly. If not, films will be poor and repeats necessary. QC insures that the processor is maintained to a standard level of acceptance

22 Film/Screen Rare earth screens are generally faster
This occurs due to their higher atomic number which results in a higher absorption of photons. Consequently, more light is produced per photon meaning less photons have to be used for a good film.

23 Grids Prevent scattered radiation from reaching the film.
They actually increase pt dose. However, film quality is dramatically improved.


25 Repeat Analysis Systematic review of repeated films to determine trends that can be eliminated thru education, procedural changes, or equipment maintenance.

26 Unnecessary Procedures
Make sure films are completed and recorded. Listen to pts about possible previous exams. When in doubt ask.

27 SID Must be a minimum of 12 inches
The longer the SID the lower the pt dose


29 Digital Imaging CR and DR are the two methods currently used for digital diagnostic imaging Images are displayed on a computer for viewing Analogous to digital pictures at home Image quality can be manipulated post acquisition Possible reduction in repeats

30 Fluoroscopy Procedures
High pt dose Potentially high tech exposure Exams provide dynamic info ‘real time’ feedback for positioning of devices

31 Dose recording to patients
ESE Entrance skin dose GSD Genetically significant dose Bone marrow dose

32 Pregnant pts Should not be radiographed
If necessary, informed consent should be obtained Pts needed to be asked about potential pregnancy before the exam begins

33 Pediatrics More radio-sensitive than adults More likely to move
Need to get instructions they understand not fear Gonadal shielding collimation

34 Protection of Personnel

35 Dose Reduction Methods
No repeats Patient is the source of scatter Filtration Protective apparel Technical factors

36 Pregnant personnel Lower MPD Protective apparel Additional monitoring
Work schedule alteration

37 Basic Principles of Protection
Time Distance Shielding

38 Structural Shielding Primary Secondary Operator booth 7 feet high
1/16 in Pb Secondary 1/32 in Pb Operator booth Photons should scatter at least twice before entering the booth area Secondary barrier

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