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The IATI Code of Conduct The Hague, 21 October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The IATI Code of Conduct The Hague, 21 October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IATI Code of Conduct The Hague, 21 October 2009

2 What it is not (about): Mutual and domestic accountability What it is: A donors contribution to the implementation of Paris and Accra Preamble 5 and 6

3 What it is not: Legally binding What it is: A donors commitment (Preamble 1)

4 What it is not: The what is published? What it is: About the How? – Standard: 4 parts (Preamble 1) 10 operational agreements (Preamble 8)

5 What it is not: Duplication of the DAC CRS and AIMS What it is: Complementarity and added-value (Preamble 9)

6 What it is not: Not the Private sector flows (remittances, etc) and not yet about all development aid flows What it is (for): Bilateral public bodies and multilateral institutions providing Official Development Finance (Preamble 7) (OA3)

7 What it is not: Not about a central database What it is: Aggregated aid information in the public domain (Preamble 6) Central registry (Preamble 1)

8 What it is not: Not technical but political What it is: Access to information (Preamble 3) (OA 7)

9 What it is not: Validation and compliance mechanisms What it is: Adherence to monitoring mechanisms 1. Donor self reporting. 2.Partner country score cards. 3.Independent monitoring. 4. Core monitoring group. OA 9 – Section 3 Report to UN DCF and HLF IV

10 What it is not (about): 1.Not about Mutual and domestic accountability 2.Not legally binding 3.Not about the what? (standard) 4.Not a Duplication of the DAC CRS 5.Not the Private sector flows (remittances, etc) and not yet about all development aid flows 6.Not about a central database 7.Not technical but political 8.Not Validation and compliance mechanisms

11 What it is: 1.A contribution 2.A commitment (to transparency: disclosure and predictability) 3.Operational agreements 4.Complementarity 5.Official Development Finance and Applicability to contractors 6.Public Domain 7.Access to information (Communications and Capacity development) 8.Adherence to monitoring mechanisms

12 Questions? 1.Are 18 signatories enough? What about the other donors? 2.Are the 18 signatories ready to sign the code of conduct? 3.Is the monitoring mechanism sufficient? 4.Do we need an implementation framework? A user guide?

13 Many thanks! Alex Gerbrandij, EC Henri Valot, CIVICUS

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