Presented by Keith Smith Pacent Learning Solutions, Inc. Geometry Across the Grades & Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Keith Smith Pacent Learning Solutions, Inc. Geometry Across the Grades & Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Keith Smith Pacent Learning Solutions, Inc. Geometry Across the Grades & Standards

2 Agenda Introduction Background of Presentation Cross Curricular Matrix: Area and Perimeter Grade 3 Sample Lessons Grade 4 Sample Lessons Grade 5 Sample Lessons Activity: Cross Curricular Matrix: Angles Wrap-Up

3 Background Two teachers with the same problem 3 rd Grade & Algebra Readiness

4 Background Time and Creativity No Time to Re-teach! No Time for favorite activities!

5 Background Teaching choices are often 25% - 40% off standard Often add levels of difficulty that go beyond standard. Whole lessons and/or concepts are not grade level.** ** This does not mean kids can’t do the math or that it’s not grade level appropriate. It just might not be a priority. Instead of extending “concept development” we extend “difficulty”. (Ex. Equivalent Fractions) Instead of backward planning from a good assessment we cover the lessons.

6 Background

7 Goals Prioritize instruction (Focus on what’s most important). Work to extend concept development on priorities. Look for opportunities to pre-teach and embed concepts across the curriculum. Where does my teaching fit in the program? What can I rely on from previous instruction? What’s viewed most important by the next grade level?

8 Cross Curricular Matrix - Vertical Estimate Area of Rectangles Find Area of Rectangles w/Formula Surface Area & Area of Parallelogram & Triangle

9 Cross Curricular Matrix - Horizontal Estimate Area of Rectangles Find Area of Rectangles w/Formula Surface Area & Area of Parallelogram & Triangle Pre-teach Adding & Estimating Pre-Teach Patterns & Multiplication Embedded Multiplication Facts Embedded Order of Operations Embedded Evaluating Expressions

10 4 in 3 in 5 in 12 in Students are focused on addition Perimeter is introduced as a tool to practice addition. The triangle and rectangle have been covered since K. Linear Measurement

11 New Polygons Addition Strategies 5 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 4 5 + 10 + 5 + 10 5 + 5 + 10 + 10 10 + 20 30 ft 5 ft 6 ft 4 ft 30 ft Addition Properties Extension: 1 digit – 2 digit – 3 digit Missing sides (subtraction) Explicit word problems Strategic word problems

12 7 ft 3 21 ft No units?Why feet? 9 ft 4 36 ft

13 6 squares

14 8 squares 12 squares 10 squares Estimates are more common than “exact answers” Estimates reveal understanding and/or gaps in conceptual understanding.

15 4414 squares 422 5515 squares 6616 squares 623 7717 squares 8818 squares 824

16 24 124 squares 24 12 2 24 8 3 6 4 50 lines 28 lines 22 lines 20 lines 24 squares

17 Area = L x W Area = (4) x (3) Area = 12 Squares 3 4

18 12 6 5 6 4 A = A 1 + A 2 A = (L 1 x W 1 ) + (L 2 x W 2 ) A = (5 x 6) + (4 x 6) A = 30 + 24 A = 54 Squares




22 Activity Use: Standard Map Grade Level Standards Template for Curriculum Matrix To Develop curriculum matrix for angles.


24 Thank You Keith Smith 916-505-8835

25 4.1








33 4.2


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