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CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery1 University of Florida Physics Grids and Open Science Grid CASC Meeting Washington, DC July 14,

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1 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery1 University of Florida Physics Grids and Open Science Grid CASC Meeting Washington, DC July 14, 2004

2 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery2 U.S. “Trillium” Grid Consortium  Trillium = PPDG + GriPhyN + iVDGL  Particle Physics Data Grid:$12M (DOE)(1999 – 2004+)  GriPhyN:$12M (NSF)(2000 – 2005)  iVDGL:$14M (NSF)(2001 – 2006)  Basic composition (~150 people)  PPDG:4 universities, 6 labs  GriPhyN:12 universities, SDSC, 3 labs  iVDGL:18 universities, SDSC, 4 labs, foreign partners  Expts:BaBar, D0, STAR, Jlab, CMS, ATLAS, LIGO, SDSS/NVO  Complementarity of projects  GriPhyN:CS research, Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) development  PPDG:“End to end” Grid services, monitoring, analysis  iVDGL:Grid laboratory deployment using VDT  Experiments provide frontier challenges  Unified entity when collaborating internationally

3 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery3 Trillium Science Drivers  Experiments at Large Hadron Collider  100s of Petabytes2007 - ?  High Energy & Nuclear Physics expts  ~1 Petabyte (1000 TB)1997 – present  LIGO (gravity wave search)  100s of Terabytes2002 – present  Sloan Digital Sky Survey  10s of Terabytes2001 – present Data growth Community growth 2007 2005 2003 2001 2009 Future Grid resources  Massive CPU (PetaOps)  Large distributed datasets (>100PB)  Global communities (1000s)

4 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery4 Search for Origin of Mass & Supersymmetry (2007 – ?) TOTEM LHCb ALICE  27 km Tunnel in Switzerland & France CMS ATLAS Large Hadron Collider (LHC) @ CERN

5 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery5 Trillium: Collaborative Program of Work  Common experiments, leadership, participants  CS research  Workflow, scheduling, virtual data  Common Grid toolkits and packaging  Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) + Pacman packaging  Common Grid infrastructure: Grid3  National Grid for testing, development and production  Advanced networking  Ultranet, UltraLight, etc.  Integrated education and outreach effort  + collaboration with outside projects  Unified entity in working with international projects  LCG, EGEE, South America

6 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery6 Goal: Peta-scale Virtual-Data Grids for Global Science Virtual Data Tools Request Planning & Scheduling Tools Request Execution & Management Tools Transforms Distributed resources (code, storage, CPUs, networks) Resource Management Services Security and Policy Services Other Grid Services Interactive User Tools Production Team Single Researcher Workgroups Raw data source  PetaOps  Petabytes  Performance GriPhyN

7 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery7 LHC: Petascale Global Science  Complexity:Millions of individual detector channels  Scale:PetaOps (CPU), 100s of Petabytes (Data)  Distribution:Global distribution of people & resources CMS Example- 2007 5000+ Physicists 250+ Institutes 60+ Countries BaBar/D0 Example - 2004 700+ Physicists 100+ Institutes 35+ Countries

8 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery8 CMS Experiment Global LHC Data Grid Hierarchy Online System CERN Computer Center USA Korea Russia UK Maryland 0.1 - 1.5 GBytes/s >10 Gb/s 10-40 Gb/s 2.5-10 Gb/s Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 2 Physics caches PCs Iowa UCSDCaltech U Florida ~10s of Petabytes/yr by 2007-8 ~1000 Petabytes in < 10 yrs? FIU

9 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery9 HEP Bandwidth Roadmap (Gb/s) HEP: Leading role in network development/deployment

10 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery10 Tier2 Centers  Tier2 facility  20 – 40% of Tier1?  “1 FTE support”: commodity CPU & disk, no hierarchical storage  Essential university role in extended computing infrastructure  Validated by 3 years of experience with proto-Tier2 sites  Functions  Physics analysis, simulations  Support experiment software  Support smaller institutions  Official role in Grid hierarchy (U.S.)  Sanctioned by MOU with parent organization (ATLAS, CMS, LIGO)  Local P.I. with reporting responsibilities  Selection by collaboration via careful process

11 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery11 Analysis by Globally Distributed Teams  Non-hierarchical: Chaotic analyses + productions  Superimpose significant random data flows

12 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery12 Trillium Grid Tools: Virtual Data Toolkit Sources (CVS) Patching GPT src bundles NMI Build & Test Condor pool (37 computers) … Build Test Package VDT Build Contributors (VDS, etc.) Build Pacman cache RPMs Binaries Test Use NMI processes later

13 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery13 Virtual Data Toolkit: Tools in VDT 1.1.12  Globus Alliance  Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)  Job submission (GRAM)  Information service (MDS)  Data transfer (GridFTP)  Replica Location (RLS)  Condor Group  Condor/Condor-G  DAGMan  Fault Tolerant Shell  ClassAds  EDG & LCG  Make Gridmap  Cert. Revocation List Updater  Glue Schema/Info provider  ISI & UC  Chimera & related tools  Pegasus  NCSA  MyProxy  GSI OpenSSH  LBL  PyGlobus  Netlogger  Caltech  MonaLisa  VDT  VDT System Profiler  Configuration software  Others  KX509 (U. Mich.)

14 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery14 VDT Growth (1.1.14 Currently) VDT 1.1.3, 1.1.4 & 1.1.5 pre-SC 2002 VDT 1.0 Globus 2.0b Condor 6.3.1 VDT 1.1.7 Switch to Globus 2.2 VDT 1.1.11 Grid3 VDT 1.1.8 First real use by LCG VDT 1.1.14 May 10

15 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery15  Language: define software environments  Interpreter: create, install, configure, update, verify environments  LCG/Scram  ATLAS/CMT  CMS DPE/tar/make  LIGO/tar/make  OpenSource/tar/make  Globus/GPT  NPACI/TeraGrid/tar/make  D0/UPS-UPD  Commercial/tar/make Combine and manage software from arbitrary sources. % pacman –get iVDGL:Grid3 “1 button install”: Reduce burden on administrators Remote experts define installation/ config/updating for everyone at once VDT ATLA S NPAC I D- Zero iVDGL UCHEP % pacman VDT CMS/DPE LIGO Packaging of Grid Software: Pacman

16 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery16 Trillium Collaborative Relationships Internal and External Computer Science Research Virtual Data Toolkit Partner Physics projects Partner Outreach projects Larger Science Community Globus, Condor, NMI, iVDGL, PPDG, EU DataGrid, LHC Experiments, QuarkNet, CHEPREO Production Deployment Tech Transfer Techniques & software Requirements Prototyping & experiments Other linkages  Work force  CS researchers  Industry U.S.Grids Int’l Outreach

17 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery17 Grid3: An Operational National Grid  28 sites: Universities + national labs  2800 CPUs, 400–1300 jobs  Running since October 2003  Applications in HEP, LIGO, SDSS, Genomics

18 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery18 Grid3: Three Months Usage

19 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery19 Production Simulations on Grid3 Used = 1.5  US-CMS resources US-CMS Monte Carlo Simulation USCMS Non-USCMS

20 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery20 Grid3  Open Science Grid  Build on Grid3 experience  Persistent, production-quality Grid, national + international scope  Ensure U.S. leading role in international science  Grid infrastructure for large-scale collaborative scientific research  Create large computing infrastructure  Combine resources at DOE labs and universities to effectively become a single national computing infrastructure for science  Provide opportunities for educators and students  Participate in building and exploiting this grid infrastructure  Develop and train scientific and technical workforce  Transform the integration of education and research at all levels

21 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery21 Roadmap towards Open Science Grid  Iteratively build & extend Grid3, to national infrastructure  Shared resources, benefiting broad set of disciplines  Strong focus on operations  Grid3  Open Science Grid  Contribute US-LHC resources to provide initial federation  US-LHC Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers provide significant resources  Build OSG from laboratories, universities, campus grids, etc.  Argonne, Fermilab, SLAC, Brookhaven, Berkeley Lab, Jeff. Lab  UW Madison, U Florida, Purdue, Chicago, Caltech, Harvard, etc.  Corporations?  Further develop OSG  Partnerships and contributions from other sciences, universities  Incorporation of advanced networking  Focus on general services, operations, end-to-end performance

22 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery22 Enterprise Possible OSG Collaborative Framework Technical Groups 0…n (small) Consortium Board (1) Research Grid Projects VO Org Researchers Sites Service Providers Campus, Labs activity 1 activity 1 activity 1 activity 0…N (large) Joint committees (0… N small) Participants provide: resources, management, project steering groups

23 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery23 Open Science Grid Consortium  Join U.S. forces into the Open Science Grid consortium  Application scientists, technology providers, resource owners,...  Provide a lightweight framework for joint activities...  Coordinating activities that cannot be done within one project  Achieve technical coherence and strategic vision (roadmap)  Enable communication and provide liaising  Reach common decisions when necessary  Create Technical Groups  Propose, organize, oversee activities, peer, liaise  Now:Security and storage services  Later:Support centers, policies  Define activities  Contributing tasks provided by participants joining the activity

24 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery24 Applications, Infrastructure, Facilities

25 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery25 Open Science Grid Partnerships

26 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery26 Partnerships for Open Science Grid  Complex matrix of partnerships: challenges & opportunities  NSF and DOE, Universities and Labs, physics and computing depts.  U.S. LHC and Trillium Grid Projects  Application sciences, computer sciences, information technologies  Science and education  U.S., Europe, Asia, North and South America  Grid middleware and infrastructure projects  CERN and U.S. HEP labs, LCG and Experiments, EGEE and OSG  ~85 participants on OSG stakeholder mail list  ~50 authors on OSG abstract to CHEP conference (Sep. 2004)  Meetings  Jan. 12:Initial stakeholders meeting  May 20-21:Joint Trillium Steering meeting to define program  Sep. 9-10:OSG workshop, Boston

27 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery27 Education and Outreach

28 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery28 NEWS: Bulletin: ONE TWO WELCOME BULLETIN General Information Registration Travel Information Hotel Registration Participant List How to Get UERJ/Hotel Computer Accounts Useful Phone Numbers Program Contact us: Secretariat Chairmen Grids and the Digital Divide Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 16-20, 2004 Background  World Summit on Information Society  HEP Standing Committee on Inter-regional Connectivity (SCIC) Themes  Global collaborations, Grids and addressing the Digital Divide Next meeting: 2005 (Korea)

29 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery29 iVDGL, GriPhyN Education / Outreach Basics  $200K/yr  Led by UT Brownsville  Workshops, portals  Partnerships with CHEPREO, QuarkNet, …

30 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery30 June 21-25 Grid Summer School  First of its kind in the U.S. (South Padre Island, Texas)  36 students, diverse origins and types (M, F, MSIs, etc)  Marks new direction for Trillium  First attempt to systematically train people in Grid technologies  First attempt to gather relevant materials in one place  Today:Students in CS and Physics  Later:Students, postdocs, junior & senior scientists  Reaching a wider audience  Put lectures, exercises, video, on the web  More tutorials, perhaps 3-4/year  Dedicated resources for remote tutorials  Create “Grid book”, e.g. Georgia Tech  New funding opportunities  NSF: new training & education programs

31 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery31

32 CHEPREO: Center for High Energy Physics Research and Educational Outreach Florida International University  Physics Learning Center  CMS Research  iVDGL Grid Activities  AMPATH network (S. America)  Funded September 2003  $4M initially (3 years)  4 NSF Directorates!

33 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery33 UUEO: A New Initiative  Meeting April 8 in Washington DC  Brought together ~40 outreach leaders (including NSF)  Proposed Grid-based framework for common E/O effort

34 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery34 Grid Project References  Grid3   PPDG   GriPhyN   iVDGL   Globus   LCG   EU DataGrid   EGEE  2nd Edition

35 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery35 Extra Slides

36 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery36 Outreach QuarkNet-Trillium Virtual Data Portal  More than a web site  Organize datasets  Perform simple computations  Create new computations & analyses  View & share results  Annotate & enquire (metadata)  Communicate and collaborate  Easy to use, ubiquitous,  No tools to install  Open to the community  Grow & extend Initial prototype implemented by graduate student Yong Zhao and M. Wilde (U. of Chicago)

37 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery37 GriPhyN Achievements  Virtual Data paradigm to express science processes  Unified language (VDL) to express general data transformation  Advanced planners, executors, monitors, predictors, fault recovery  to make the Grid “like a workstation”  Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT)  Tremendously simplified installation & configuration of Grids  Close partnership with and adoption by multiple sciences: ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, SDSS, Bioinformatics, EU Projects  Broad education & outreach program (UT Brownsville)  25 graduate, 2 undergraduate; 3 CS PhDs by end of 2004  Virtual Data for QuarkNet Cosmic Ray project  Grid Summer School 2004, 3 MSIs participating

38 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery38 Grid3 Broad Lessons  Careful planning and coordination essential to build Grids  Community investment of time/resources  Operations team needed to operate Grid as a facility  Tools, services, procedures, documentation, organization  Security, account management, multiple organizations  Strategies needed to cope with increasingly large scale  “Interesting” failure modes as scale increases  Delegation of responsibilities to conserve human resources Project, Virtual Org., Grid service, site, application  Better services, documentation, packaging  Grid3 experience critical for building “useful” Grids  Frank discussion in “Grid3 Project Lessons” doc

39 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery39 Grid2003 Lessons (1)  Need for financial investment  Grid projects:PPDG + GriPhyN + iVDGL: $35M  National labs:Fermilab, Brookhaven, Argonne, LBL  Other expts:LIGO, SDSS  Critical role of collaboration  CS + 5 HEP + LIGO + SDSS + CS + biology  Makes possible large common effort  Collaboration sociology ~50% of issues  Building “stuff”: Prototypes  testbeds  production Grids  Build expertise, debug software, develop tools & services  Need for “operations team”  Point of contact for problems, questions, outside inquiries  Resolution of problems by direct action, consultation w/ experts

40 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery40 Grid2003 Lessons (2): Packaging  VDT + Pacman: Installation and configuration  Simple installation, configuration of Grid tools + applications  Major advances over 14 VDT releases  Why this is critical for us  Uniformity and validation across sites  Lowered barriers to participation  more sites!  Reduced FTE overhead & communication traffic  The next frontier: remote installation

41 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery41 Grid2003 and Beyond  Further evolution of Grid3: (Grid3+, etc.)  Contribute resources to persistent Grid  Maintain development Grid, test new software releases  Integrate software into the persistent Grid  Participate in LHC data challenges  Involvement of new sites  New institutions and experiments  New international partners (Brazil, Taiwan, Pakistan?, …)  Improvements in Grid middleware and services  Storage services  Integrating multiple VOs  Monitoring  Troubleshooting  Accounting

42 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery42 International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory UF UW Madison BNL Indiana Boston U SKC Brownsville Hampton PSU J. Hopkins Caltech Tier1 Tier2 Other FIU Austin Michigan LBL Argonne Vanderbilt UCSD Fermilab Partners  EU  Brazil  Korea Iowa Chicago UW Milwaukee ISI Buffalo

43 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery43  U FloridaCMS (Tier2), Management  CaltechCMS (Tier2), LIGO (Management)  UC San DiegoCMS (Tier2), CS  Indiana UATLAS (Tier2), iGOC (operations)  Boston UATLAS (Tier2)  HarvardATLAS (Management)  Wisconsin, MilwaukeeLIGO (Tier2)  Penn StateLIGO (Tier2)  Johns HopkinsSDSS (Tier2), NVO  Chicago CS, Coord./Management, ATLAS (Tier2)  Vanderbilt*BTEV (Tier2, unfunded)  Southern CaliforniaCS  Wisconsin, MadisonCS  Texas, AustinCS  Salish KootenaiLIGO (Outreach, Tier3)  Hampton UATLAS (Outreach, Tier3)  Texas, BrownsvilleLIGO (Outreach, Tier3)  FermilabCMS (Tier1), SDSS, NVO  BrookhavenATLAS (Tier1)  ArgonneATLAS (Management), Coordination Roles of iVDGL Institutions

44 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery44 “Virtual Data”: Derivation & Provenance  Most scientific data are not simple “measurements”  They are computationally corrected/reconstructed  They can be produced by numerical simulation  Science & eng. projects are more CPU and data intensive  Programs are significant community resources (transformations)  So are the executions of those programs (derivations)  Management of dataset dependencies critical!  Derivation: Instantiation of a potential data product  Provenance: Complete history of any existing data product  Previously:Manual methods  GriPhyN:Automated, robust tools

45 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery45 Transformation Derivation Data product-of execution-of consumed-by/ generated-by “I’ve detected a muon calibration error and want to know which derived data products need to be recomputed.” “I’ve found some interesting data, but I need to know exactly what corrections were applied before I can trust it.” “I want to search a database for 3 muon SUSY events. If a program that does this analysis exists, I won’t have to write one from scratch.” “I want to apply a forward jet analysis to 100M events. If the results already exist, I’ll save weeks of computation.” Virtual Data Motivations

46 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery46 decay = WW WW  e Pt > 20 decay = WW WW  e decay = WW WW  leptons mass = 160 decay = WW decay = ZZ decay = bb Other cuts Scientist adds a new derived data branch & continues analysis Virtual Data Example: LHC Analysis Other cuts

47 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery47 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Using Virtual Data in GriPhyN Galaxy cluster size distribution Sloan Data

48 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery48 The LIGO International Grid LIGO Grid: 6 US sites + 3 EU sites (Cardiff/UK, AEI/Germany)  LHO, LLO: observatory sites  LSC - LIGO Scientific Collaboration  Cardiff AEI/Golm Birmingham

49 CASC Meeting (July 14, 2004)Paul Avery49 Grids: Enhancing Research & Learning  Fundamentally alters conduct of scientific research  “Lab-centric”:Activities center around large facility  “Team-centric”:Resources shared by distributed teams  “Knowledge-centric”:Knowledge generated/used by a community  Strengthens role of universities in research  Couples universities to data intensive science  Couples universities to national & international labs  Brings front-line research and resources to students  Exploits intellectual resources of formerly isolated schools  Opens new opportunities for minority and women researchers  Builds partnerships to drive advances in IT/science/eng  HEP  Physics, astronomy, biology, CS, etc.  “Application” sciences  Computer Science  Universities  Laboratories  Scientists  Students  Research Community  IT industry

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