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Rhythm is easy to feel but quite hard to define, so let’s start thinking about it.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhythm is easy to feel but quite hard to define, so let’s start thinking about it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rhythm is easy to feel but quite hard to define, so let’s start thinking about it.

2  1. a) List the things in the world that have a rhythm. E.g. a heart beat  b) What is it that they have in common?

3  You may notice that things with rhythm seem to have two types of sound which repeat to make a pattern. When we speak we hear them as unstressed syllables and stressed syllables.  Unstressed syllables usually sound quieter or softer than stressed ones, which sound louder or harder.

4  Task – 1. Sing this famous nursery rhyme as a class.   Ring a ring a roses  A pocket full of posies  A tissue, a tissue  We all fall down 1. Now try clapping in time 2. Why do you think children dance and change direction when they sing it?

5  To work out the rhythm of a poem you can ANNOTATE or note down where the stressed or unstressed syllables occur.  Above each stressed syllable put/  Above each unstressed syllable put.  For example. /. /. /. /. /  If music be the food of love play on

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