, Quantum Diaries and Social Media Kevin Munday 20 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: ", Quantum Diaries and Social Media Kevin Munday 20 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1, Quantum Diaries and Social Media Kevin Munday 20 April 2015

2 State of 2

3 3 Current state of From Google analytics—October-March 109,000 (vs 85,000) sessions 253,000 (vs 211,000) page views 53,000 (vs 36,000) unique visitors

4 4 Where did overall traffic come from? Direct (54K sessions) Organic search (26K sessions) Referral (16K sessions) Social (12K sessions)

5 5 Where are our visitors? 1000 or more visits from: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, France, Japan, Italy, India, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, Brazil, New Zealand, Poland, China, Spain, Czech Republic and Norway

6 6 Top pages Home page (74K) Newest images (72K) Blog watch (20K) LHCb release (14K) Planck release (3K) LHC restart brief (2K)

7 7 Google Keyword searches blog Particle Physics News Neutrino goes global icecube

8 8 Current state of NewsWire ~4,404 subscribers (up 119) 19 distributed so far this year

9 The Week of Interactions Published every Monday as a digest of weekly postings 411 subscribers (+2) Highlights:  News  NewsWires  Images  Video  Quantum Diaries 9

10 State of Quantum Diaries 10

11 QD Stats From Google Analytics—October through March 192,000 visits (-15K) 293,000 page views (-13K) 133,000 unique visitors (-12K) 11

12 QD Stats From Google Analytics—Oct-March Let’s draw Feynman diagrams (20K) But what are quarks made of? (10K) Does dark matter exist (10K) Theory and Experiment BBT (7K) Helicity, chirality, mass (5K) 12

13 State of Social Media 13

14 Twitter @ParticleNews  10K (+1500) followers and counting @Quantum_Diaries  4,436 (+626) Twitter followers 14

15 Facebook 7,108 (+3400) likes on Facebook 15

16 Transition KelenDanielle 16

17 QD on BBT QD integral to the plot line Blog post on QD 20MM+ viewers 3.5MM twitter followers Mention on show Tweeted link the next day 17

18 QD on BBT: How to prepare for n=? Migrated to Rackspace cloud hosting Implemented Cloudflare CDN  C aching layer  Geographically dispersed copies of site  Separates content from CMS entirely Coordinated publishing schedule Locked site down 18

19 QD on BBT: Not that big of a Bang ~6 normal traffic Traffic spike subsided over 3 days 19

20 Moving forward Awaiting guidance from governance committee 20

21 Feedback? for press releases for anything 21

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