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Extracting the System Date  Built-in Date() object  Can be manipulated only by creating a new object instance  var variable = new object  var birthDay.

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Presentation on theme: "Extracting the System Date  Built-in Date() object  Can be manipulated only by creating a new object instance  var variable = new object  var birthDay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracting the System Date  Built-in Date() object  Can be manipulated only by creating a new object instance  var variable = new object  var birthDay = Date(“Jul, 13, 1975”)  Returns July 13, 1975 to birthDay  var curDate = new Date()  Returns the current system date and time information as an object instance

2 Extracting the System Date  The variable curDate cannot be manipulated  To extract the date, convert curDate to a string using the toLocaleString() and substring methods


4 Extracting the System Date  Define a new object for the date in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format var tNow = new Date()  Extract the date and time and store it in MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format var tlocDate = tNow.toLocaleString()  Extract only the date portion from the tlocDate variable using relative addressing var tDate = tlocDate.substring(0,10)

5 Extracting the System Date  Relative addressing

6 Extracting the Current System Date Using the Date() Object  Click the Notepad button on the taskbar to activate the Notepad window. Click line 19 below the document.bgColor=“blanchedalmond” statement

7 Type var tNow = new Date() and then press the ENTER key. Type var tlocDate = tNow.toLocaleString() and then press the ENTER key. Type var tDate = tlocDate.substring(0,10) and then press the ENTER key


9 Displaying the Current System Date  Use plus signs (+) to concatenate (join) strings and variables

10 Displaying the Current System Date in the Initial Greeting  Click line 22. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type document.write(“ Welcome, today is “+tDate+” ”) and then press the ENTER key


12 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Click line 23. Type var intro1 = “Hi, thanks for visiting our Web site, but we have moved. Please make a note “ and then press the ENTER key  Type var intro2 = “of our new URL ( and notify the Webmaster about our new “ and then press the ENTER key

13 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Type var intro3 = “location. Click here or wait 15 seconds “ and then press the ENTER key  Type var intro4 = “to be moved automatically to our new site.” and then press the ENTER key

14 Constructing a Message Using Several Variables  Type var introMsg = intro1+intro2+intro3+intro4 and then press the ENTER key


16 Writing the Message on the Web Page  Click line 28. Press the SPACEBAR four times. Type document.write(“ ”+introMsg+ ” ”) and then press the ENTER key


18 Saving a File  Save your file in your folder

19 Click Save

20 Testing the Web Page in the Browser  Click the Fun with Phonics button on the taskbar to activate the browser. Click the Refresh button on the browser toolbar


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