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Site report: CERN HEPiX/HEPNT Autumn 2003 Vancouver.

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1 Site report: CERN HEPiX/HEPNT Autumn 2003 Vancouver

2 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch2 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report Structure, management CERN: Robert Aymar new DG as of January 1 st Major re-organisation expected ‘Physics’ part of IT Division likely to remain unchanged IT Management changes F. Hemmer becomes leader of new middleware group for EGEE C. Eck working fully for LCG P. Anderssen replaces C. Eck as DI GL D. Foster replaces P. Anderssen as CS group leader Dissemination unit created in DI (F. Grey)

3 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch3 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report Computer security Windows RPC vulnerabilities  A. Pace, D. Heagerty AFS password expiry 12 months, users get notified by E-mail Implementation being finalised Hardware address registration enforced for portables Procedures in place for CERN users and short-term visitors Enforced already in IT buildings, rest of site before Christmas Closure of off-site FTP on 2004/01/20 at the latest Rules being established for system connected to CERN network Defines acceptable network and security practices Draft in preparation

4 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch4 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report FIO – Fabric infrastructure and operations ELFms management suite being deployed at large scale  T. Kleinwort Components: Quattor – configuration and installation Lemon – monitoring and fault tolerance Hardware management system State management system Quattor, Lemon making copious use of EDG WP4 tools Outsourced system administration contract being replaced by in-house team of CERN hired system administrators (2 nd level of 3-level model)

5 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch5 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report FIO (2) Procurements: carrying on with ‘white boxes’ for CPU servers and disk storage Infrastructure for serial console for whole CC being deployed  H. Meinhard Backup Consolidating on TSM, new hardware bought Legato phase-out: stop writing 12/03, last retrieval 03/04 CDR: 250 TB for Compass, 115 TB for NA48 in 2003 CC refurbishment ongoing Civil engineering work for bunker for new 18 kV substation begun

6 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch6 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report FIO (3)

7 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch7 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report ADC – Architecture and Data Challenges Castor (CERN advanced storage manager) New stager being developed  J.-D. Durand Storage Resource Manager ready for deployment Framework discussed for support to external institutes Preparing for next Alice computing challenge, aim is 300 MB/s sustained from online to tape

8 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch8 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report ADC (2) CERN OpenLab OpenCluster: grid enabled compute and storage farm ~40 HP dual processor Intel Itanium machines RedHat AW 2.1, OpenAFS 1.2.7, gcc 2.96, 3.2, 3.3, icc 7, 8beta, LSF 5.1 Enterasys 10 Gbit switches IBM StorageTank high-capacity storage system – tests, benchmarking Applications compiled and verified: Root, CLHEP, Gean4, Aliroot (including large fractions of CERNLIB), online software Workshops: 03/03 Storage and Data Management 07/03 Fabric Management 11/03 Total Cost of Ownership

9 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch9 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report ADC (3) RedHat certification…  J. Iven, A. Silverman Work horse is RH 7.3 RH 6.1 phased out Except for a few 10 machines needing it for Objy/DB Aim was to conclude certification of new Linux in time such that systems could be upgraded during CERN machine shutdown in winter Started certification based on RH 10 beta (severn) RH announced more support policy changes CERN put certification on hold… awaiting this meeting

10 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch10 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report DB – Data Bases POOL – persistency framework 1.3.2 released Successfully integrated into Atlas and CMS software frameworks CMS reporting 700 k simulated events in POOL RLS service being deployed on testbeds, distribution kits available Ever more physics applications require DB services Oracle 10g out, many new features

11 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch11 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report GD – Grid Deployment LCG-1 being deployed  I. Neilson, D. Smith

12 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch12 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report IS – Internet Services Windows XP Professional deployed New PCs delivered with XP (and/or Linux) No upgrade campaign for Windows 2000 Support for NT and 95 stopped earlier this year Mail migration from IMAP servers on Solaris to Exchange (with improved Anti-Spam tools) well advanced  A. Pace Evaluating M$ SUS (Software Update Service) for deploying security updates

13 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch13 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report IS (2) Pilot service for Windows Terminal Server  A. Pace Web-based file systems, gateway to DFS  A. Pace CPU cycles from Windows screen saver for simulation Project advancing

14 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch14 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report PS – Product Support CVS service in full swing  S. Lopienski Solaris services being consolidated  S. Lopienski Some ELFms components ported to Solaris Phasing out Alpha servers for EDMS and engineering applications Replacements: Solaris, Windows Euclid client migration to Windows completed Migration to new print server system completed Special clusters for GdfidL (7 dual Xeon machines with 4 GB memory each) and StarCD (Solaris) Desktop support contract being re-tendered

15 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch15 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report CS – Communication Systems Current GSM contract expires by 12/03, new contractor as of 01/04 Transition being prepared STM-64 line CERN – Chicago operational Replacing STM-4 ACB (Automatic Call Back) for connections from home to CERN under discussion

16 Helge.Meinhard (at) cern.ch16 HEPiX Vancouver: CERN site report AOB LEP data archiving Requested by CERN Management HW, SW, data (25 TB/exp), expertise to be kept alive for ≤ 20 y Exps with different schedules for wind-down of their activities Working group set up, more understanding expected until 12/03 Mac support… A little, focused on MacOS X Encouraging self-help of user community Aim is interoperable browsers, mail clients, web authoring etc.; central application and home directory services on Windows DFS infrastructure Implementation being prepared

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