Solvent Effects on the Excited State Dynamics of 1-cyclohexyluracil Patrick M. Hare Bern Kohler The Ohio State University Department of Chemistry 100 West.

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Presentation on theme: "Solvent Effects on the Excited State Dynamics of 1-cyclohexyluracil Patrick M. Hare Bern Kohler The Ohio State University Department of Chemistry 100 West."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solvent Effects on the Excited State Dynamics of 1-cyclohexyluracil Patrick M. Hare Bern Kohler The Ohio State University Department of Chemistry 100 West 18 th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 23 June 2005

2 Environment9H-AdenineThymineUracil Aqueous solution 1 τ = 0.18 τ = 0.54 a τ = 0.21 a Acetonitrile 2 τ = 0.44 Gas phase 3,4 τ = 1.0 τ = 6.4 τ = >100 b Gas phase 5 τ = 22000 τ = 12000 c Gas phase 6 τ = 0.100 τ = 1.1 τ = 0.105 τ = 5.12 τ = 0.130 τ = 1.05 1 Crespo-Hernandez, et al. Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 1977. 2 Cohen, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 13594. 3 Kang, et al. J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 6717. 4 Kang, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 12958. 5 He, et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2004, 108, 943. 6 Canuel, et al. J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 074316 a ribonucleoside b assigned to 3 Thy c Thy(H 2 O) 1 Base S 1 Lifetimes in ps Introduction: Nucleic Acid Photophysics Thymine Uracil Adenine Cytosine

3 nn Introduction: Uracil Photophysics   S0S0 T0T0 -Highest triplet yield of the bases -Φ ISC reported in solvents with dielectric constants of 80 (H 2 O) – 25 (EtOH) -10-fold increase in Φ ISC in less polar solvents -μs lifetime quenched by O 2, self- quenching -Peaks at ~370 nm Our Tasks:  Investigate the excited state dynamics, especially in low polarity solvents and aprotic solvents  Determine the triplet yields  Investigate pump wavelength dependence The Triplet State in Uracil The Singlet State in Uracil -~200 fs lifetime in aqueous solution -ESA peaks at ~600 nm nn Gas phase / nonpolar solution nn Aqueous Solution

4 Tools: Transient Absorption, 1-cyclohexyluracil Uridine (Urd) 1-cyclohexyluracil (1CHU) Pump 266 nm I.C. S1S1 S0S0 SNSN Probe (visible) I.S.C. T0T0 Probe (visible) T1T1 Probe (UV)

5 Results: Transient Absorption Acetonitrile 1 Cohen, et al. Faraday Disc. 2004, 127, 137 Uridine in aqueous solution: τ Singlet = 0.21 ± 0.03 ps 1 τ Singlet = 0.27 ps τ Therm. = 4.5 ps τ Trip = 5 ns

6 From Wood, P. D. and R. W. Redmond, JACS, (1996) 118, 4256 Results: Transient Triplet Spectrum

7 Results: UV Probe τ VC = 12 ps Acetonitrile τ Trip = 5 ns τ Singlet = 0.27 ps τ Therm. = 4.5 ps τ Trip = 5 ns

8 Results: Oxygen Quenching in Acetonitrile 400 nm probe 250 nm probe

9 SolventDielectric constant  Singlet (ps)  2 (ps)  Trip (ns) pH 7 buffer * 80.100.3 ± 0.117 ± 42.5 ± 5 acetonitrile36.640.27 ± 0.084.5 ± 15 ± 1 methanol * 33.00.2 ± 0.1200 ± 10010 ± 20 n-butanol17.840.20 ± 0.014 ± 2 n-pentanol15.130.22 ± 0.014 ± 1 chloroform4.810.21 ± 0.02110 ± 705 ± 2 * Single wavelength fits Protic solvents Results: Lifetimes from Global Fits of Visible Probe Transients SolventDielectric constant  Singlet (ps)  2 (ps)  Trip. (ns) pH 7 buffer * 80.100.3 ± 0.117 ± 42.5 ± 5 acetonitrile36.640.27 ± 0.084.5 ± 15 ± 1 methanol * 33.00.2 ± 0.1200 ± 10010 ± 20 n-butanol17.840.20 ± 0.014 ± 2 n-pentanol15.130.22 ± 0.014 ± 1 chloroform4.810.21 ± 0.02110 ± 705 ± 2

10 Results: Relative Quantum Yields / H-Bonding 1 Salet, C., R. Bensasson, et al. Photochem. Photobio. 1979, 30, 325. Dielectric Constant Φ ISC (exp.) 1CHU Φ ISC (lit.) 1 Uracil Aq. Solution80.100.040.02 Methanol33.00.0750.06 Acetonitrile36.640.250.2 Dielectric Constant Φ ISC (exp.) 1CHU Φ ISC (lit.) 1 Uracil Aq. Solution80.100.040.02 Methanol33.00.0750.06 Acetonitrile36.640.250.2

11 Results: Variable Pump Wavelength No observable changes in dynamics with variable pump wavelength Probe: 400 nm τ Therm. = 5.0 ± 1.2 ps τ Trip = 5 ± 1 ns

12 Conclusions 1CHU is soluble in solvents with ε >5 ns lifetime observed in 1CHU is the triplet state Triplet is formed very rapidly Excited state lifetime shows no appreciable solvent effects Hydrogen bonding is important for decreasing Φ ISC No change in lifetimes with varying pump wavelength Future work Determine Φ ISC in more solvents Further investigation of the variation of Φ ISC with pump wavelength

13 Acknowledgements Dr. Bern Kohler Funding National Institutes of Health Dr. Terry Gustafson Kohler Group

14 Obligatory Laser System Slide 1

15 Obligatory Laser System Slide 2

16 Results: Relative Amplitudes in Acetonitrile

17 266 nm τ IC = 0.2 ps S1S1 S0S0 SNSN τ ISC ~ 0.2 ps T0T0 T1T1 ~600 nm τ ISC ~ 5000 ps ~370 nm τ Therm ~ 5 ps τ VC = 12 ps Results: Summary of Dynamics in Acetonitrile

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