Leadership Coaching. Welcome! COACHING helps facilitate breakthrough in the lives and development of risk-taking, Kingdom leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Coaching. Welcome! COACHING helps facilitate breakthrough in the lives and development of risk-taking, Kingdom leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Coaching

2 Welcome! COACHING helps facilitate breakthrough in the lives and development of risk-taking, Kingdom leaders.

3 Overview Session 1 – Coaching Overview and Active Listening Session 2 – Determining the Session Outcome and Expanding Awareness Session 3 – Hearing the Holy Spirit and Pinpointing the Key Issue Session 4 – Developing Action Steps and Empowering the Coachee to Take Action

4 Partnership “Resourcing and coaching breakthroughs in the lives and leadership development of risk-taking, Kingdom leaders.” www.leaderbreakthru.com Coaching – Training – Resources Terry Walling

5 Partnership “We provide practical leadership training and materials that equip you and your staff with the art and science of personal and organizational change. Our goal is to enable you to close the gap between your current and desired results.” www.activeresults.com Keith E. Webb

6 End Results I desire greater knowledge, understanding, and/or skill proficiency in the following: One area I would like to work on, or talk through, related to me and my development as a leader: p. 5

7 Why Coaching Why has leadership coaching become so popular?

8 GOOD COACHING Helps leaders solve problems and cope when there is just too much.

9 GOOD COACHING Helps re-evaluate plans and solutions.

10 GOOD COACHING Helps you better understand where you are at!

11 The Art of Deflection The Professional Helper Syndrome Good coaching helps people overcome the tendency to deflect the help they need.

12 Some first Thoughts… Christian coaching is an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers people to live out God’s call on their lives as individuals and as groups. p. 5

13 Some first Thoughts… You do not get to clarity ALONE. Coaching is about the PERSON. We coach the person… and work the problem. Coaching is MINISTRY, not just problem solving. Coaching is about ACTION, not just reflection. Coaching bridges the gap between INSIGHTS and NEW BEHAVIOR… Coaching is about DISCOVERY… what people discover, they implement. p. 5

14 Coaching The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. – Proverbs 20:5 (NIV) Though good advice lies deep within the heart, a person with understanding will draw it out. – Proverbs 20:5 (NLIV)

15 Real-Time Coaching With a partner, answer the question: How have you experienced coaching (either as a coach or a coachee)? You each have three minutes. p. 5 How well did you listen?

16 Terminology Confusion Pop Quiz Match term with definition p. 7

17 Pop Quiz P. 7 Allows the leader to set the agenda for the discussion. Asks questions to draw out assumptions, motivation, ideas and answers that are within the leader. Possess expertise and shares that resource with another person, providing knowledge, advice, expertise, guidance, and encouragement in their field of expertise. Resourcing specialist who is often paid to assess, diagnose, propose solutions, and problem solve. Seeks to uncover emotions and issues from the past that impede growth, closure, or wholeness. Focuses on struggles in ongoing health. Use of similar methods and techniques, yet focuses on issues related to spiritual formation and life. Sets the agenda of the discussion through introducing essential components of spiritual growth and self-leadership. Dispenses new knowledge and introduces paradigms, controlling the agenda of the interaction. CONSULTANT TEACHER MENTOR COUNSELOR COACH SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR DISCIPLER

18 What about you? COACH: Allows the leader to set the agenda for the discussion. Asks questions to draw out assumptions, motivation, ideas and answers that are within the leader. MENTOR: Possesses expertise and shares that resource with another person, providing knowledge, advice, expertise, guidance, and encouragement in their field of expertise. p. 8

19 Coaching Coaching stands beside and draws insight out. Mentoring goes before and places insight within. CLARIFYING www. leaderbreakthru.com

20 Relating the Terms P. 8 Client Agenda Helper Agenda Asking Telling Coaching MentoringDisciplingTeaching Relating the Terms p. 8

21 The C.O.A.C.H. Model™ CONNECTING with the leader. Determining the session OUTCOMES. Building AWARENESS of the issues and current reality. Determining the next steps and COURSE of action. Reviewing the HIGHLIGHTS and key insights of the session.  Coaching the Development of Leaders Coaching LEADERS www. leaderbreakthru.com p. 11

22 CONNECTING with the leader. Goal – Build rapport and trust Example questions: How have you been? How are things going? At work? At home? At the church? What insights have you had since we last met? In what ways have you sensed the Holy Spirit speaking to you since our last meeting? What progress did you make on the action steps you were going to take? Coaching the Development of Leaders www. leaderbreakthru.com Coaching LEADERS p. 12

23 Determining the session OUTCOMES. Goal – Find out what the person would like to discuss Example questions: What result would you like to take away from our meeting today? What would you like to work on? What would make today’s meeting successful/helpful for you?  Coaching the Development of Leaders www. leaderbreakthru.com Coaching LEADERS p. 13

24 Building AWARENESS of the issues and current reality Goal – To discover more about the outcome identified in the previous stage Example questions: Talk to me about what you’re presently thinking What do you see as some of your major obstacles? Let’s look at this from a different perspective: What else could be happening? Coaching the Development of Leaders www. leaderbreakthru.com Coaching LEADERS p. 14

25 Determining the next steps and COURSE of action Goal – To capture insights and put them in actionable steps Example questions: What actions would you like to take moving forward? What options do you think most address what you would like to achieve? Which of these would you like to do? How? When? On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being high), how confident are you that you can do this plan? Coaching the Development of Leaders www. leaderbreakthru.com Coaching LEADERS p. 15

26 Reviewing the HIGHLIGHTS and key insights of the session. Goal – To give the person an opportunity to share lessons and goals Example questions: What would you like to remember from this time? What parts of the discussion were particularly helpful? What awareness do you have now that you did not have before? What are your action steps?  Coaching the Development of Leaders www. leaderbreakthru.com Coaching LEADERS p. 16

27 ListeningExpanding Four Coaching Skills Focusing Empowering Listening Expanding www. leaderbreakthru.com

28 Coaching Formats Coaching Interactions (10-15 minutes) Coaching Conversations (20-30 minutes) Coaching Appointments (45-60 minutes) p. 17

29 Core Skill – Listening p. 19

30 Exercise – Pick-a-Card 3 Minutes Talk about why you picked the card What it means? Partner: Listen Don’t talk! How did it go?

31 Listening Most leaders are not listeners… They are Problem- Solvers They typically pre- conclude They tell vs. creating discovery p. 19 The 80/20 Rule

32 Active Listening Active listening is being able to hold- off/suspend judgment, and to participate in the process of hearing what the coachee is actually saying.

33 FIVE Ways to Listen Better (Empathetic Listening) Listen with your mind Listen with your body Listen with your words Listen with your intuition Listen with the Holy Spirit www. leaderbreakthru.com p. 19

34 Active Listening p. 20 ? The Situation The Behaviours The Emotions

35 Shadow Coaching The term “shadow” refers to the unconscious beliefs or tendencies common among coaches that are counterproductive to their client’s purpose. When coaches become unconsciously fixated on their own assumptions, beliefs or tendencies, they restrict their ability to explore what is present. In other words, you coach your own stuff! p. 20

36 Three Levels of Listening p. 22 LEVEL 1: YOU… You are listening but the pre-occupation is really you… not them (INTERNAL) LEVEL 2: THEM… You are listening, seeking to hear the issues behind the issues and understand (FOCUSED) LEVEL 3: YOU AND THEM … You have entered their world, and together you both are looking at the world and addressing the issues (GLOBAL)

37 Active Listening – Listen for Three Voices Tell me a little about yourself? What’s life been like coming into this conference today? p. 22 Coaching Partners 6 Min. each

38 Active Listening – Listen for Three Voices How did it go? What did you learn about them? About yourself and your listening? p. 22 Coaching Partners 6 Min. each

39 Listening for the Back Stories p. 22 River Stories Rut Stories

40 Other Ways to Listen Better pp. 23-24 Empathetic Listening Encourage Restate Summarize Clarify Acknowledge

41 Other Ways to Listen Better p. 23 How do you know that you’ve listened well? Leader feels listened to/understood You begin to understand Together you begin to surface the real issue(s)

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