Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 1/5 Photometry data model Jesus Salgado

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Presentation on theme: "Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 1/5 Photometry data model Jesus Salgado"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 1/5 Photometry data model Jesus Salgado ESAVO/ESA 19/05/2010

2 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 2/5 Task target Task to include photometry data in VO context This is an old and recurrent request of astrophysical community. One of the main topics raised during community workshops. One of the topics raised by the IVOA Take-up Committee In theory, SSAP gives support to photometry data, but no services providing photometry data are created. Something is missing –Filter characterization –Format of the different ways to serialize photometry data Both are two views of the same photometry DM See DAL presentation on how this DM is consumed Task summary

3 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 3/5 Photometry DM (not even 0.1!)

4 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 4/5 Photometry DM (not even 0.1!)

5 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 5/5 Future plans List of authors of first version almost agreed (Osuna, Rodrigo, Louys, Baines,myself...) Preliminary note including description of this schematic data model already prepared for internal discussion Once agreement is done within short author list, open document to a wider audience Scientist should have an important role on this! Impact on other DMs Include examples of SED serialization using the photometry DM in an appendix of Spectral DM Adaptation of SED format parsing libraries to fully include this format as IVOA standard format

6 Photometry Data Model| Jesus Salgado | ESAC | 19 May 2010 | IVOA Interop Victoria | Pag. 6/5 THANK YOU Jesus Salgado SSA and PHOTOMETRY SERVICES

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