Turbo-Charge Your Coaching with the Right Tools Margie S Heiler, MS Master Certified and Certified Executive Coach ICF Leadership Coaching SIG – November.

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Presentation on theme: "Turbo-Charge Your Coaching with the Right Tools Margie S Heiler, MS Master Certified and Certified Executive Coach ICF Leadership Coaching SIG – November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turbo-Charge Your Coaching with the Right Tools Margie S Heiler, MS Master Certified and Certified Executive Coach ICF Leadership Coaching SIG – November 2011 Margie S Heiler, MS Master Certified and Certified Executive Coach ICF Leadership Coaching SIG – November 2011 1

2 Objectives are to: Find tools that fit the context Use assessments to support coaching relationships Learn about benefits gained from using tools and assessments Examine key sustainability strategies and coach’s responsibility Review a client process Take away tips 2

3 Agenda Types of assessments in general Benefits Which one(s) to choose? Feedback The Process Key Sustainability Strategies Results and Accountability Tips 3

4 Kinds of tools/assessments Individual, team and organizational Formal and informal 4

5 Types of Assessments Self-Assessments 360’s Job Benchmarking 5

6 Benefits Improved communication and relationships Enhanced productivity Increased job satisfaction Improved bottom line results Used for succession planning 6

7 Benefits contd. Employee retention increases Development plans Deeper knowledge for coach and client Opportunity to explore possibilities for new approaches and more effective strategies 7

8 Self-Assessments Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves, their strengths, their values and how they best perform. Peter Drucker To understand our relationships with others, we must first understand ourselves. Bill Bonnstetter 8

9 Which one(s) do I choose? Creating and using an assessment package is not a random exercise or a one-size fits-all proposition. 9

10 Clarifying Thoughts What kind(s) of assessment(s) would be valuable for your ideal client(s)? Be prepared with your package. Discover how much the client/organization knows about assessments. What is the purpose for using the assessment(s)? How will the information be interpreted and used? Ask questions and provide relevant information. Be open to what has already been used and/or what the organization or client wants to use. 10

11 Assessments Provide Feedback Information that lets clients know if they are on or off track PERCEPTION = REALITY! 11

12 A kind of performance appraisal Confidential, anonymous Multi-rater evaluation Formal or informal 360-degree feedback 12

13 “I have some good news and some bad news! You are honest, kind, and smart, but you are perceived to be sneaky, cruel, and dumb.” 13

14 Benchmarking a Job Letting the job talk to create a solid foundation for development and selection! 14

15 Benchmarking a Job - Steps 1. Organization identifies 3-7 subject matters experts (SME’s). 2. Each SME brings a job description and three reasons why the job exists to the meeting. 3. Coach explains the purpose of key accountabilities and offers worksheets and agenda. 3. Coach facilitates a key accountability session by helping to identify rank and weight of each key accountability. 15

16 Benchmarking a Job – Steps Contd. 4. SME’s complete a job assessment on line to respond to a questionnaire about behaviors, motivators and talents that are required to be successful in a given position. 5. Coach combines the results from #4 into a multiple respondent report and reviews report with SME’s. 6. Applicants and incumbents are assessed with the job report. 7. New hires and incumbents receive development plans and coaching reports along with on-line learning. 16

17 Philosophy: The human asset is the only sustainable competitive advantage that organizations possess to navigate the storms of change, face adversity and raise the level of performance to meet the challenges of today’s world. When a client asks others for input, it increases raters’ expectations that the client will change in a positive way. Coach: Encourage client to share the goals or results. A client cannot change what he or she does not believe. Coach: Challenge the client’s belief system. Key Sustainability Strategies 17

18 Key Sustainability Strategies contd. To change the impression others have of clients, they must change their behaviors to fit the situation and the person they are communicating with. Coach: Administer an assessment that shows clients their preferred behaviors, the impact of those behaviors, and how they are perceived by others with different styles. 18

19 To maintain high performance, clients have to change over time. Coach: Follow up over time with development plans, coaching plans, and check-ins. The most critical skill in making a change based on feedback is for clients to decide what specific issue to work on first. Coach: Through the coaching process, help the client identify the change and support the client in setting SMART goals as they “wash” one part of the elephant at a time. Key Sustainability Strategies contd. 19

20 Clients make significant life changes if they have the necessary desire, strength and motivation to cause those changes to happen. Coach: Focus on strengths and find out what motivates clients. Help clients discover what will motivate them to change after receiving feedback. I have yet to find the person, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater efforts under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism. Charles Schwab Key Sustainability Strategies contd. 20

21 Key Sustainability Strategies contd. Coach Responsibilities: Manage expectations. Continually refer back to the information from the assessments to make the connections and show how the information can be applied in a practical way. Package the assessments within business strategies and solutions and the organization’s mission and values. A good coach will make [his] players see what they can be rather than what they are. Ara Parsegian 21

22 Process The foundation for success in the process is establishing rapport with the client. First, the leader and then the team. 22

23 Results To benefit coach and client, the assessment must lead to coaching outcomes. The coach’s job is to help the client interpret and apply the results to meet their goals. Commitment is key. 23

24 Accountability 24

25 1.Get in front of the key decision makers. 2.Distinguish yourself from others who use assessments. 3.Make sure your assessments are valid and reliable. 4.Remember--You hold the magic! 5.Become certified. 6.Use assessments that are job-related and link to organizational strategy and competencies. 7.Ask: “What is in your budget for this endeavor?” 8.Learn as much as you can about the organization and link to other initiatives. TIPS 25

26 Ideas and Actions What new idea do you have about assessments or what action will you take as a result of our time together today? 26

27 Food for Thought... To appreciate, honor and respect diversity in all its forms is a challenge for everyday living. 27

28 Questions?? THANK YOU! 28

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