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Oneidas of the Eastern Woodlands By: Angélica Maria Rodríguez Carlos Luis Rodríguez Juan Pablo Ramírez Maria Paula Forero.

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Presentation on theme: "Oneidas of the Eastern Woodlands By: Angélica Maria Rodríguez Carlos Luis Rodríguez Juan Pablo Ramírez Maria Paula Forero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oneidas of the Eastern Woodlands By: Angélica Maria Rodríguez Carlos Luis Rodríguez Juan Pablo Ramírez Maria Paula Forero

2 Explain the location of this tribe accroding to the 5 themes of geography? Oneidas are located in North Eastern Woodlands, in New York State and Canada. The place had many forest, open lands, near the Great Lakes, Appalaches Mountains and Atlantic Ocean.


4 Who was a key individual to the history of this tribe and what influence did they have? A key individual to the history of this tribe is Reverend Samuel Kirkland. Samuel had lived with the Oneidas for 12 years, when the American Revolution began. Thanks to Samuel Oneidas had become Christians and Samuel convince Oneidas including Shenandoah the leader to go to the colonist side, they also joined the British.

5 How did decisions of the Europeans settle in the Americas effect this tribe? In the 1st contact with the Europeans, the Oneida and the rest of the Iroquois Confederacy became peaceful with the strange new comers. The hope to find gold and silver, also spices in the New York area, but they fail.Since they fail they started to kill beavers for their fur to make hats was hit in Europe. The Europeans traded beaver fur with the Indians, witch return they gave the Indians, brass Rattles, metals tools and guns.

6 What were some immediate and long term effects of Native American and European interaction this tribe? After the time passed the colonist where not satisfied with the British rules. The Oneida and the Iuscararo tribes allied themselves with the colonies and some of them fought in the American revolution. More of 500 Oneida died in this battle.

7 What are somethings the Europeans did as they settled in the America?. When the europenas came to America:They banded the native Americans from their traditions they also force Native Americans to go to proper school Some Native American where force to become Christians. The Europeans also torture and kill the Native Americans. The government (European ) still things from tribes.

8 Later Today Oneidas are all over the U.S. They have proper jobs Go to the same plances other people go Proper education Generally they live in poverty (Today)

9 Conclusion They are located in the N.E. of U.S. They form part of Iriqois Had normal relation with Englands until war They where force to leave many things of their habits Today they are like an other Americans

10 Quiz

11 1. Where are Oneidas located? A. Around New York Estate B. In New York State C. In Other State

12 2. Tell me which is the food they farmed. A. wild berries, herbs, elk. B. corn, beans, elk. C. beans, corn, squash.

13 3.What language does the Oneida speak? A. Any written language B. A unknown language that has similarities to English C. Shekolih

14 4. Who was a important person and why? A. Reverend Samuel Kirkland Why? B. Shenandoah Why? C. Reverence Hobart Why?


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