Partnering with Faculty / researchers to Enhance Scholarly Communication Caroline Mutwiri.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering with Faculty / researchers to Enhance Scholarly Communication Caroline Mutwiri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering with Faculty / researchers to Enhance Scholarly Communication Caroline Mutwiri

2 Print based Books Journals Subscription based (toll-access model) Profit making Restrictions-pay- per- view (books & journals) Access University consortias not individual libraries Perpetual access-not guaranteed (access to current subscriptions).

3 Economic Trends in Scholarly Publishing High journal subscription cost Shrinking library budgets / information explosion Libraries, universities, and scholars unable to purchase the publications necessary for research and education. Inaccessibility to scholarly publications Invisibility of research

4 An alternative to the traditional subscription- based publishing model OA intended to be free for readers not for producers. Free availability of scholarly research literature on the public Internet – OA focuses on academic research OA literature has minimal or no restrictions - price or permissions OA literature is online

5 Literature that authors give to the world without expectation of payment. – career advancement-recognition, citation- promotion Publicly funded research –fair return to the public on research funded with taxpayers' money Institutional funded research- pay twice-fund researchers, library purchases (SU funded research)

6 OA journals-Scholars can publish in OA journals (gold road) e-journals that are freely available Mirror quality assurance practices-Peer review, copy-editing Let authors retain the copyright to their articles and use the Creative Commons Attribution License

7 Researcher self-archiving in OA archives or repositories (green road) Institutional repositories-are digital archives of intellectual products created by the faculty, staff, and students of an institution and accessible to end users both within and without the institution, with few if any barriers to access Role- capture, centralize, preserve & disseminate a universitys collective intellectual capital

8 Best way to provide OA to institutional research output Institutional intellectual output Theses & Dissertations Course learning materials Scholarly journals Conference proceedings

9 Online repository of full-text SU intellectual output An initiative to support OAI Collection-Theses & dissertations,conference proceedings,research publications,past exam papers Offers an efficient browsing & searching facility Dspace software used allows metadata e.g. title of article, name of author,keywords,abstracts Repository compliant with OAI-PMH. Provides a self archiving facility






15 A countrys research is more accessible to global researchers Increases the return on investment of the funders of the research-universities, governments Institutional Visibility and Prestige-indicators of an institution's academic quality Showcase Preserve &disseminate intellectual output in an easier, more varied way Complement existing metrics for gauging institutional productivity Society benefits from the open exchange of ideas- economy, public health,policy making all depend on access to & use of information

16 Researchers-their research is given much wider dissemination increasing the visibility, usage & impact of their findings Students - able to access and use the full text of all the research published not just the research available to them via the subscriptions their institution can afford.

17 Building open-access repositories for their institutions Providing enhanced access to OA works Participating in the creation of IR metadata Digital publishers of OA works Librarians can digitize OA versions of Out-of- Copyright Works Librarians Can build specialized OA Systems- Dspace, greenstone, e-print

18 Helping to create sensible IR policies and procedures Designing the IR user interface so that it is clear, easy to use and effective. Depositing digital materials for faculty in their subject areas Training users in IR deposit and searching procedures Demonstrate to scholars the benefits of wider exposure via open access

19 Publishing in OAJs and restrict the copyrights transferred to private publishing companies. Consider launching an OA journal in areas of specialization Self-archiving in an-OAI-compliant archive or repository

20 Adopt policies encouraging or requiring faculty to fill the institutional archive with their research articles (self-archiving policy) Adopt a policy: faculty who publish articles must either (1) retain copyright, and transfer only the right of first print and electronic publication, or (2) transfer copyright but retain the right of postprint archiving Adopt a policy: all theses and dissertations, upon acceptance, must be made openly accessible through the specific institutional repository Adopts a systematic plan to promote OA-newsletter Demand that university-funded research be made available to community free of charge

21 Adopt a policy: all conferences hosted at your university will provide OA to their presentations & proceedings, even if the conference also chooses to publish them in a priced journal or book Consider joining Dspace federation-those using dspace Support, reward, faculty who publish in OA Require that any articles to be considered in a promotion and tenure review must be on deposit in the university's OA repository Sign major declarations-Budapest Open Access Initiative & Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge.

22 Each institution build / create their repository Enable various libraries to share their resources Institutions try and make their repositories open

23 Many universities and individual researchers have been slow to adopt open access -limited number of universities worldwide having established institutional repositories to facilitate deposit of research by their faculty. Kenyan universities slow- indicator- web metric rankings- based on institutions web presence Many conventional publishers actively oppose open access- fear cutting profits

24 Establishing OA requires active commitment by all parties involved-administrators, faculty, librarians, students Universities must be aware of the (r)evolution taking place in scholarly communication and influence it as much as possible, for the benefit of their own organizations and global scientific and scholarly communities

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