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DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 20: Death, Dying, and Bereavement.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 20: Death, Dying, and Bereavement."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 20: Death, Dying, and Bereavement

2 Attitudes Towards Death  The 20 th Century Perspective  Death is invisible Modern American society has created a system in which the role of death is minimized in our lives. Death often occurs in hospitals Funeral Homes Make Up Funeral procedures Denial

3 Statistics on Death  Males die at a higher rate than females at all ages  The non white population has a higher death rate than the white population  Nonwhite infants have a death rate twice as high as white population  Accidents are the leading cause of death among youths ages 15 to 24  _________________________________________ ______________

4 Definitions of Death  Physiological death  Vital organs cease functioning  Organs cannot function independently  ___________________  Cessation of brain wave activity  No consciousness, no awareness  Sociological Death  Withdrawal of society from the dying  Isolation

5 Attitudes About Death  Middle aged adults reports highest levels of fears about death….ages 45 to 54  _________________________________________ _____________________  What are your concerns about death?  Are you afraid?  What are your beliefs about death and after death?

6 Stages of Death/Grief  Kubler-Ross  Psychiatrist who studied those dying  Identified 5 stages 1) Denial 2) Anger 3) Bargaining 4) _____________ 5) Acceptance  Funny Video Funny Video  Elisabeth Kubler Ross Video 1 Video 2

7 Types of Death  Uncertain Death  Certain Death  ________________  Premature Death  Unexpected Death  Calamitous Death Homicide Suicide

8 Euthanasia  What are your thoughts about doctor assisted suicide?  What will you do should something bring you to that point?  What are some of the issues you may have with Euthanasia?  What policy would you write if you had the power to legislate this issue?

9 The Last Lecture: Video  Video Video

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