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Videogame Dev Club Project Overview. About the game Action-adventure RPG Gameplay similar to Diablo 3D world with 3 rd person over-the-shoulder view Set.

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Presentation on theme: "Videogame Dev Club Project Overview. About the game Action-adventure RPG Gameplay similar to Diablo 3D world with 3 rd person over-the-shoulder view Set."— Presentation transcript:

1 Videogame Dev Club Project Overview

2 About the game Action-adventure RPG Gameplay similar to Diablo 3D world with 3 rd person over-the-shoulder view Set in a future virtual cyber-world, ie: everything is a computer program Equipable weapons, also launchable programs that act like “spells” Different classes for your character to develop

3 Character Classes Everyone starts as the same character skillset and develops their own branch down a class tree Replicator (summons minions) Enforcer (close range melee) Telemaster (distance damage) Virtualizer (Hybrid damage With melee and Stealth?)

4 The story In 2059 the world population is dying off from disease, war, and declining environmental conditions. The last surviving legacy of man lives in machines. With advanced simulation software, technology had reached a critical stage. The human brain could be fit onto a single chip and entire populations of virtual minds were created to assist man in finding a cure for the plagues that had ravaged the population. But their efforts were in vain, the last humans drew their final breaths still feverishly searching for an answer. Many centuries later in 2380 the virtual world left behind has survived, evolved, and grown to a new level of awareness. New consciousnesses have awoken and technology has become mother nature’s newborn. Until just recently, life in this thriving virtual metropolis has been comfortable. A new plague has taken root among the cyber-population much as it had in the real world long ago. A virus has begun to spread throughout the system. Rumors of its origin vary, from survived humans bent on revenge, to rogue elements in the system, to the interference of possible extra terrestrial life. The cause is unknown. Concerned cyber-civilians have banded together to create the ultimate fighting consciousness (the player) to help them in their struggle to ward off the spreading virus and get to the root of its cause. His/Her name is *insert character name*, the last hope of intelligent life on our planet. (and then, as the player finds clues throughout the game, he finds that there are still some humans left, and they have found their way into the system from the outside bent on having their revenge on the system for not finding a cure, but the REAL cause of the virus is actually a natural evolution of the real-world virus that killed off the humans, ending the game in a sense of awe at mother nature’s power and grasp into all things.)

5 “Look and feel”

6 Our most-wanted features in the game so far Flying/Driving vehicles Items (programs in the virtual world) Items that combine to make unique items (similar to how items slot together in diablo) Items can degrade (their code becomes gradually corrupted from battles, repairing=“recompiling”, etc.) Character classes 3 rd person over-the-shoulder camera A friendly/hostile mutual agreement system for PvP Not just point-and-click like most RPGs, you need to aim at what you are hitting and if a hit lands then it does a damage roll

7 Character Stats All characters could have RAM and CI (short for Code Integrity), which are analogous to Mana and Health from other RPG games The form of currency could be System Resources. Makes sense because if you delete a program (destroy a virus) you free up system resources.

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