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Student will be able to identify Common areas of stress in their Lives and discuss methods of Coping with stress.

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2 Student will be able to identify Common areas of stress in their Lives and discuss methods of Coping with stress.

3 What is Stress? Forces from the outside world impinging on the individual. Stress is a normal part of life that can help us learn and grow. Conversely, stress can cause us significant problems. Stress releases powerful neuro-chemicals and hormones that prepare us for action (to fight or flee). If we don't take action, the stress response can lead to health problems. Prolonged, uninterrupted, unexpected, and unmanageable stresses are the most damaging types of stress.

4 Example of Stress Situations: Graduating from school/getting a promotion Parents divorce Taking a test (neg. or pos. if prepared or not) Going to a new meeting Talking to a sponsor Making a new friend Losing your keys Leaving the “Program” Playing sports Breaking up with boyfriend/girlfriend Getting married Others………………………. Causing the body to react physiologically or psychologically

5 Stress, Chemical Dependency And Early Recovery 1.All people experience stress in their daily life. 2.While stressful situations provide you with excuses to drink or use, they did not cause your chemical dependency or make your relapse 3.Since unmanaged stress did not cause your chemical dependency, managing it will not guarantee you staying clean and sober 4.Managing stress in early recovery is an important tool for staying in a program of recovery

6 Common Myths Regarding Stress: Myth #1:Stress is always bad Myth #2:Stress prevents good performance Myth #3 Only tragedies cause stress Myth #4Stress is a loser’s problem Myth #5:Only winners have stress

7 Managing Stress 1. Work off the Stress – Physical exercise works well. A rigorous workout is not necessarily 2. Talk about Worries – Share concerns with others, particularly those you trust. 3.Learn to Accept What You Cannot Change – Sometimes we are powerless over situations and other people 4.Get Plenty of Sleep and Rest – Our bodies require this. Without sleep or rest we cannot deal with stress. 5.Help Someone Else – This will get your mind off of you. We all need diversion and helping someone else is the best way to think about something else.

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