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No Middle Ground Matt.6:24, Matt.12:30, Matt.13:12.

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Presentation on theme: "No Middle Ground Matt.6:24, Matt.12:30, Matt.13:12."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Middle Ground Matt.6:24, Matt.12:30, Matt.13:12

2 Draw Near Draw Back A Study From Hebrews 10:19-39

3 Draw Near, vs.22 Draw Back, vs.38 Man God Understanding, vs.19-21 True Heart, vs.22 Reason - Hope, vs.34-39 Don’t See Divided Heart Faith in Reverse

4 Try To Hold Your Own? Matt.6:24 Matt.12:30 Matt.13:12 Matt.25:24-30

5 Are Your Drawing Near To God? 1.Hear the Gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 2.Believe in Jesus Christ, Jn.3:16 3.Repent and Turn to God, Luke 13:3 4.Confess Jesus Before Men, Rom.10:9-10 5.Baptized For Forgiveness, Acts 2:38 ---------------------------------  Grow and Seek The Lord, Col.3:1-4  2 nd Law of Pardon If We Err : Repent and Pray God Acts 8:22

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