Human Travel Patterns Albert-László Barabási Center for Complex Networks Research, Northeastern U. Department of Medicine, Harvard U.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Travel Patterns Albert-László Barabási Center for Complex Networks Research, Northeastern U. Department of Medicine, Harvard U."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Travel Patterns Albert-László Barabási Center for Complex Networks Research, Northeastern U. Department of Medicine, Harvard U.

2 Tropical forest in Yucatan, Mexico “Lévy flight” by a spider monkey


4 Animal Motion Vishwanatan et. al. Nature (1996); Nature (1999). Wandering Albatross Pókmajom Sirályok repülése Wandering Albatross

5 Sims et al. Nature (2008). Basking shark

6 Porbeagle shark Sims et al. Nature (2008).

7 Random Walks Lévy flights

8 Human Motion Brockmann et. al. Nature (2006)

9 A real human trajectory

10 Mobile Phone Users

11 CCNR Data Collection Limitations We know only the tower the user communicates with, not the real location. We know the location (tower) only when the user makes a call. Interevent times are bursty (non-Poisson process— Power law interevent time distribution).

12 ALB, Nature 2005.

13 CCNR Interevent Times J. Candia et al. A-L. B, Nature 2005.

14 0 km300 km100 km200 km 0 km 100 km 200 km Mobile Phone Users

15 Two possible explanations 1.Each users follows a Lévy flight 2.The difference between individuals follows a power law β=1.75±0.15

16 Understanding human trajectories Radius of Gyration: Center of Mass:

17 Characterizing human trajectories Radius of Gyration:

18 CCNR Characterizing human trajectories Radius of Gyration:

19 β r =1.65±0.15 Scaling in human trajectories

20 0 km300 km100 km200 km 0 km 100 km 200 km Mobile Phone Users

21 β=1.75±0.15 β r =1.65±0.15 Scaling in human trajectories α=1.2

22 Relationship between exponents Jump size distribution P(Δr)~(Δr) -β represents a convolution between *population heterogeneity P(r g )~r g -βr *Levy flight with exponent α truncated by r g

23 CCNR Return time distributions

24 Mobile Phone Users


26 CCNR The shape of human trajectories


28 Mobile Phone Viruses Hypponen M. Scientific American Nov. 70-77 (2006).

29 Spreading mechanism for cell phone viruses Short range infection process (similar to biological viruses, like influenza or SARS) Long range infection process (similar to computer viruses)

30 Palla, A.-L. B & Vicsek (2007). Onella et al, PNAS (2007) Social Network (MMS virus) González, Hidalgo and A-L.B., Nature 453, 779 (2008) Human Motion (Bluetooth virus) MMS and Bluetooth Viruses

31 Spatial Spreading Patterns of Bluetooth and MMS virus

32 Spatial Spreading patterns of Bluetooth and MMS viruses Bluetooth Virus MMS Virus Driven by Human Mobility: Slow, but can reach all users with time. Driven by the Social Network: Fast, but can reach only a finite fraction of users (the giant component). What is the origin of this saturation ?

33 Spreading mechanism for cell phone viruses If the market share of an Operating System is under m c ~10%, MMS viruses cannot spread.

34 0 km300 km100 km200 km 0 km 100 km 200 km Mobile Phone Users

35 Pu Wang Cesar Hidalgo Collaborators Marta Gonzalez

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