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Wince wince wince /w ns/ v. [I] n. winced, wincing, winces to make a facial expression of pain, (syn.) to flinch He winced when the door shut on his thumb.

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Presentation on theme: "Wince wince wince /w ns/ v. [I] n. winced, wincing, winces to make a facial expression of pain, (syn.) to flinch He winced when the door shut on his thumb."— Presentation transcript:

1 wince wince wince /w ns/ v. [I] n. winced, wincing, winces to make a facial expression of pain, (syn.) to flinch He winced when the door shut on his thumb.

2 league league  league / lig/ n. 1 a group of sports teams that compete against each other  Our local team belongs to the National Football League.

3 strive strive  strive /stra v/ v. [I] strove /stro v/, striven / str v n/ or strived, striving, strives to work hard for s.t.: to strive for perfection -n. striver.  She strives for perfection.

4 routine routine  routine /ru tin/ n. [C;U] a series of things s.o. does regularly  He has a different routine on Saturday and Sunday than he does on weekdays.  He has a different routine on Saturday and Sunday than he does on weekdays.

5 prompt prompt  prompt /pr mpt/ adj. 1 on time, punctual  He was prompt.

6 strain strain  strain /stre n/ v. 1 [I;T] to use great effort  I strained to lift a heavy box.  The singer strained to hit a high note.

7 meant meant  mean /min/ v. meant /m nt/, meaning / min /, means 1 [T] to indicate, have significance  That flashing red light means to stop your car and wait for the train to go by.

8 foul foul  foul /fa l/ v. 1 [T] to dirty, often with mud, bodily waste, etc.  The farmer fell in the mud and fouled his clothes.

9 hoist hoist  hoist /h st/ v. [T] to lift and move an object  The father hoisted his small child onto his shoulders.

10 naughty naughty  naughty / n ti/ adj. -tier, -tiest badly behaved  That boy is a naughty child.

11 bulk bulk  bulk /b lk/ n. [U] 1 large size  Big animals, such as elephants and whales, have huge bulk.

12 theme theme  theme / im/ n. a central idea or main pattern, such as in daily life, an artistic work, or another area  The theme in that novel is one of adventure in exploring the Arctic.

13 mute mute  mute /myut/ n.adj. 1 unable or unwilling to speak:  He was born mute, and he has been a mute since birth.

14 sponge sponge  sponge /sp nd / n. 1 [C] such an animal after it has died, or a similar-looking piece of cellulose, used to take up liquid or for cleaning  Get a sponge. I spilled some juice.

15 bloom bloom  bloom /blum/ v. [I] (of plants) to flower:  Our apple tree bloomed last week.

16 craft craft  craft /kr ft/ n. a boat, airplane, or space vehicle: watercraft, aircraft, spacecraft  The craft sailed the seas for one month.

17 throne throne  throne / ro n/ n. a decorated chair used esp. by royalty in ceremonies as a symbol of power and position  The king sat on his throne.

18 rhythm rhythm  rhythm / r m/ n. [C;U] a regular beat, esp. in music or movement  A symphony conductor keeps the rhythm for the orchestra.

19 vault vault  vault /v lt/ v. 1 [I;T] to leap over  He vaulted the fence.

20 avoid avoid  avoid / v d/ v. [T] 1 to stay away from  She avoids walking on dark streets at night.

21 depth depth  depth /d p / n. 1 a distance below a surface  The swimmer went down to a depth of five meters.

22 roam roam  roam /ro m/ v. [I;T] to go freely over a large area, (syn.) to wander  We roamed through the woods after we had a picnic.

23 reply reply  reply /r pla / v. [I;T] -plied, -plying, -plies to answer s.t  He replied to my letter that I sent last month. n. -plies [C;U] an answer, response: I received his reply yesterday.

24 stout stout  stout /sta t/ adj. 1 slightly fat, (syns.) portly, plump  The stout man filled the whole chair.

25 squawk squawk  squawk /skw k/ n.v. [I] 1 a loud, harsh bird cry: the squawk of a chicken 2 a cry or complaint:  He let out a squawk when I stepped on his toe.

26 gaze gaze  gaze /ge z/ v. [I] n. gazed, gazing, gazes 1 to look steadily at s.o. or s.t. for a long time, usu. without giving it much attention  The students gazed out of the window because their class was boring.

27 sleeve sleeve  sleeve /sliv/ n. 1 the part of a piece of clothing that covers all or part of the arm  In the summer, she likes blouses with short sleeves.

28 ravine ravine  ravine /r vin/ n. a low area in the earth with steep sides, a deep gully, (syn.) a gorge  A fast river has cut out a ravine in the rock.

29 sought sought  sought /s t/ v. past tense & past part. of seek  He sought an answer to the Math problem.

30 annoy annoy  annoy / n / v. [T] to cause mild anger  The constant noise from the street traffic annoyed me.

31 cobweb cobweb  cobweb / k b w b/ n. a net of thin, sticky threads made by spiders to catch food:  She cleaned away the dust and cobwebs in the old house.

32 tepid tepid  tepid / t p d/ adj. lukewarm:  Babies are bathed in tepid water, not too hot.

33 refugee refugee  refugee / r fyu d i/ n. a person trying to leave bad living conditions, such as oppression, war, hunger, etc.  During the war, many refugees went to safer countries nearby to try to live better lives.

34 coax coax  coax /ko ks/ v. [T] coaxes to try patiently to ask someone to do something, (syn.) to persuade  The mother coaxed her child to take some bad tasting medicine.

35 nylon nylon  nylon / na l n/ n. [U] 1 a strong, artificial fiber used in making cloth, thread, and stockings  Women wear stockings made of nylon.

36 endeavor endeavor  endeavor / n d v r/ v.frml. [I;T] to try, attempt  He endeavors to do his best work all the time.

37 oxygen oxygen  oxygen / ks d n/ n. [U] a colorless, odorless gas (chemical symbol O) present in air, which is necessary for all forms of life  People must breathe oxygen in order to live.

38 nauseous nauseous  nauseous / n s, n zi s/ adj. 1 infrml. feeling nausea, (syn.) nauseated:  She felt nauseous from the boat ride.

39 bountiful bountiful  bountiful / ba nt f l/ or bounteous / ba nti s/ adj. much of s.t., (syn.) abundant:  The harvest of wheat and corn was bountiful this year.

40 heirloom heirloom  heirloom / r lum/ n. an object of real or sentimental value passed from one generation to another  The silver tea set is a family heirloom.


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