Save for Your Retirement: “You Rather Be Safe Than Sorry” Developed by Dan MatalaDan Matala Mon-Wed: 8-9:15.

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Presentation on theme: "Save for Your Retirement: “You Rather Be Safe Than Sorry” Developed by Dan MatalaDan Matala Mon-Wed: 8-9:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save for Your Retirement: “You Rather Be Safe Than Sorry” Developed by Dan MatalaDan Matala Mon-Wed: 8-9:15

2 WHY SHOULD I PLAN FOR RETIREMENT? Planning for the future is now IMPERATIVE. Looking ahead into the future may seem living cautiously, but is crucial to living out retirement happily. The government cannot always be trusted, so you must protect yourself the best way you can. Given the career you chose, your age, and when you started working you can start to build a plan about when to retire and how to do so at: Retirement Planning Retirement Planning

3 Retirement Planning: Advantages Avoiding dramatic lifestyle decrease post-retirement Financial protection for dependents Significant tax benefits There are tax cuts for those who start saving earlier than those who start later. It is like you are being paid to create your nest egg. Click HERE to read more about the advantages of savingHERE

4 “It Costs Less to Start Earlier” The sooner your start saving, the longer you earn interest on your money. It is like you a being paid to save. The longer you save the more increases you get on your return compound interest rate. CLICK to learn more!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK

5 Critical Retirement Planning Info. Start working age: 22 Beginning Salary: $45,000 Beginning Salary Retirement Age:72 Years of Savings: 50 years Living after Retirement: 12 years Living after Retirement Inflation Rate: 3.82% Inflation Rate Savings Rate: 5.50% Savings Rate This information may vary depending on your career, health dispositions, location, and other uncontrollable variables that change from person-to-person.

6 Longer to Start, the More You Pay In order for you to meet your full annuity (75% of ending salary), the total amount saved for your retirement is: $ 1,895,647.57 The longer you wait to start, the larger percent of your salary you have to save, even as your salary increases. Below is percentage of your salary you must save to meet full annuity Now: 17% 10 yrs.: 21% 15 yrs.: 24% 20 yrs.: 27% 25 yrs.: 32%

7 Percentage of Salary This gives you an image of the percentage of your annual salary you will have to save in order to meet your annuity requirements. As you can see the longer you wait the higher the percentage gets. In other words, the longer you wait to start saving for your retirement the more difficult it will be to successfully save enough money to enjoy it. money Click money for more info.

8 Salary vs. Savings This chart is a further, more in depth visual look that illustrates that the longer you wait to start saving, the money it will cost you and the more difficult it becomes. The more you delay, the larger portion you take out of your annual salary, even if your income increases. Click Here for more info. Here

9 Savings vs. Current Salary The other two charts in the previous slides depict about how the longer you wait to save the more it will cost you at the time. They do not show how the amount you put away into your nest egg decreases in regards to the percentage of your salary. As you can see that as you save the same amount every year the percentage of that of your income decreases. Now after 25 years you are only paying 7% when if you delayed you would be paying over 30%. That should give you a warm, comforting feeling about retiring.

10 Conclusion: Start Saving Right Now Hopefully that you have decided to start preparing for the future. You may be in good job, family, etc; however, no-one knows what the may happen the next day, month, or even year, but what you can guarantee is that you are financially prepared for it. To start protecting yourself please: CLICK CLICK

11 Sources Used ulator.asp#calcresults ulator.asp#calcresults

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