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1 Dr. Cornelia Rotaru Executive Director General Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest The SMEs particular supporting activities with.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Dr. Cornelia Rotaru Executive Director General Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest The SMEs particular supporting activities with."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Dr. Cornelia Rotaru Executive Director General Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest The SMEs particular supporting activities with a view to participating in the Frame Programe 6 within the ROMNET-ERA project Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Executiv Director General, CCIRB

2 2 Comparative advantages the mission is to represent the business operators; gather under the same roof the suppliers and users-the two parties involved; the Chambers of commerce are organized in a national network,positively turning to account this network effect; they have the logistics required to fulfil every objective (rooms,personnel,communication and information networks etc. ); they have available the favorable relation framework; they are providers of information/consulting/assistance/training meant for any business operators and especially for SMEs. Why the CCIRB ?

3 3 research entities consultants universities financial institutions experts regulation authorities evaluation entities registration authorities SMEs operators consumers local public administration The CCIRB – its role as integrator among the actors involved in the innovation Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

4 4 Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB lack of information and communication about the available technologies; lack of resources,mainly the financial means for innovation and technological transfer; lack of bank guarantees for bank credits needed by innovation financing; relatively high costs for the protection of the intellectual property rights and their evaluation; guarantee of the intangible -assets credits not used by the banks; very low involvement of the risk capital into the young SMEs and technological transfer too; lack of expertise for the evaluation of the innovation risk; lack of innovation education at the level of the SMEsmanagement Barriers against the innovation activity of the SMEs

5 5 WP 3 – The identification,stimulation and assistance of the innovative Romanian SMEs to participate in the FP 6 Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB It is achieved in 4 tasks

6 6 Formulate the selection criteria domain manufactured products technological compatibility authentification/export experience Selections from the present data Designing and dissemination from the present bases Designing and dissemination of the coventional and electronic questionnaires The identification of the innovative SMEs Preliminary data base with SMEs web page for backing up the SMEs The map of the SMEs + annual updating Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

7 7 Specialized data base of SMEs which want to get support for FP 6 web-site help desk success stories appeals newsletter electronic @ Achieving,maintaining and using the specialized data base for SMEs which wish to be assisted for European co- operatin (FP 6,COST,EUREKA) Development of the specialized web-site Information exchange with other specialized networks Task 2 – Gathering and dissemination of the specialized information Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

8 8 I. Identification information Company name Registration Number Address Phone/Fax E-mail/web Contact Person II. Company Profile Activity – description+CAEN code CAEN code for Innovation Activity III. Financial Information Equity – structure Turnover (last 3 years) Profit/Loss (Gross -last 3 year) No. of employees Patent, certificates Patent OSIM International Patents ISO Certificate IV. Innovation application V. Participation in European Projects Programme Name Project Name VI. Domain of Interest to participating in FP 6 Data Base Structure – Innovative SMEs

9 9 FP 6 information dissemination SMEs stimulating to participate in FP6-the innovative SMEs club Training courses for SMEs ( incliding e-learning) Supply information and assistance to elaborate proposals Promoting new opportunities and sccesss stories Task 3 – Promoting and stimulating the SMEs to participate in European projects Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

10 10 Setting up a virtual consulting Centre ( special web-site on the ROMNet ERA) as One-Stop Support Centre Inventoring the SMEs proposals for FP6(topics,priorities,consortia,outcomes) Convey information about FP6 to the concerned SMEs Setting up the structures able to support the SMEs which are candidates for FP Help desk Experts to elaborate proposals Specialists for technical and scientifical consultancy Task 4 Assistance and support to the innovative SMEs Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

11 11 Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB Building up the strategic abilities in SMEs (long-term approach ; integrated approach particular to ERA; ability of identifying and anticipating the market trends; wish and skill of collecting,processing and assimilating economic and technological information;capacity of drawing up projects) and the organizational abilities (risk evaluation,national co- operation;co-operation with customers and suppliers;increasing the competence of human resources) Achieving an innovation and technological transfer system Challenges for the CCIRB

12 12 Thank you for your attention! Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest Municipality B-dul Octavian Goga nr. 2, Sector 3, 030982 Bucuresti - Romania phone: (+4021) 327.34.02; fax: (+4021) 327.34.68 e-mail: Activitati specifice de sprijinire a IMM-urilor pentru participarea la Programul Cadru 6 in cadrul proiectului ROMNET-ERA Dr. Cornelia Rotaru – Director General Executiv, CCIRB

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