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Guidelines to Enter Data in Data Entry Module. Benefit of this presentation This presentation will help you to: Enter data in the correct format as required.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidelines to Enter Data in Data Entry Module. Benefit of this presentation This presentation will help you to: Enter data in the correct format as required."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidelines to Enter Data in Data Entry Module

2 Benefit of this presentation This presentation will help you to: Enter data in the correct format as required by Just Dial. Maximize earnings by entering data in the expected format. Learn the Do’s and Don’t’ of entering data.

3 to check on the website if the business name already exists You will first need to enter the data in a Business Listing Information form. Upon entering all the fields shown on the page the system tries to identifies if the data identified by you already exists with JustDial in our Database. If the data exists, the system will give a message that the data exists and do you want to continue, please do not proceed. If the data does not exist in our database, please proceed

4 Business Name & Address The highlighted fields in red indicate fields that will help you earn if filled properly Their bifurcation is as follows: Business Name : Rs. 2/- Complete Address : Rs 3/-

5 Business Name Guidelines The business name should be unique and not be an existing company on Just Dial website. Business name entered should be the legal name of the company as it appears in the company stationery such as letter head, business cards, etc. This is a MANDATORY FIELD Spelling errors, spacing and proper casing is essential and a record could be rejected if the above are not maintained

6 Guidelines to Add Address Please enter the basic fields without any spelling errors and with proper casing & spacing. Building: Should consist of the building number & building name. For e.g. 102/A, Amar Apartments. Mandatory field, information of at least building name or number needs to be captured here Street: The information to be entered in this field is the street number and street name. For e.g. 337, MG Road. Area: Compulsory field should be updated with the exact area for the company address. In case the given area is not available, please send mail to to get the area and pincode updated

7 The highlighted fields in red indicate fields that will help you earn if filled properly. Their bifurcation is as follows: Contact Person : Rs. 2/- Landline Number: Rs 2/- Mobile Number : Rs 4/- Note: Please give correct Mobile/Landline number by verifying the same yourself first, else the data is liable to be rejected.

8 Contact Information Guidelines Contact Person: The correct prefix should be selected taking care of the gender. The contact name should have both the First Name as well as the Last name of the contact with correct spelling and casing. Post adding the contact name, his designation should be added by clicking the “add designation” link on the right side pane.

9 Contact Information Guidelines - Contd. Landline No: STD code should be valid for a given record. Total digits including STD code & number should always be 11 digits. For e.g. mumbai records will always have a 3 digit STD code viz. 022 and a 8 digit telephone number. Similarly a Coimbatore record will always have a 4 digit STD code viz. 0422 and a seven digit telephone number. Invalid entries will invite penalties as every number entered on the module should be a validated correct number that you have a proof against.

10 Contact Information Guidelines - Contd. Mobile number: Will be a 10 digit number. Email ID: The email ID should always contain a “@” and the domain such,.net, etc. No space should be entered in this field. The email ID should be of the business email ID or the owners email ID (in case of small businesses). Other personal ID's should not be entered in this field. You earn Rs.1/- when you provide the email ID of the business.

11 Hours of operation should be confirmed with the shop / establishment / office and updated accordingly. Care should be taken on the day when the establishment is closed and the respective day in the week should be selected as closed. You earn Rs.1/- for giving the correct hours of operation of the business.

12 It is mandatory to add the Category for every new record entered by you. Once you are on the add category page, to enter a relevant category you need to type in a key word as shown in the image and select the relevant category from the suggestion drop box: For Category Selection you get Rs.5/- per unique data. Note: without at least a single relevant category your data is bound to be rejected.

13 Post selecting the main category the next page will show you categories to be selected for your business listing. You just have to check (click) on the relevant categories as shown in the picture above.

14 After selecting the relevant categories this page will show you the selected categories. Here you can unselect any unnecessary categories if any as shown above

15 The final aspect is to add photograph /s if any to be uploaded, this can be done by checking the Yes button and following the procedure indicated there on. You can upload upto a maximum of 5 photos in jpeg / gif/ bmp / jpg format ( file size – maximum 200 kb per photo ) You earn Rs.10/- on uploading any relevant photo of the institution / business. If the photograph is Geo Coded photograph you earn Rs. 10/- additional. If you do not want to upload photo, click on No and then click on Home. You will be taken to the main page for entering your next data.

16 Snapshot of Earnings field wise per data

17 In case of further queries please write to We will be happy to serve you. Thank

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