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ET.Gov Joint AIC Meeting February 17, 2005 Overview and Status Owen Ambur Co-Chair, XML CoP This document is confidential and is.

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Presentation on theme: "ET.Gov Joint AIC Meeting February 17, 2005 Overview and Status Owen Ambur Co-Chair, XML CoP This document is confidential and is."— Presentation transcript:

1 ET.Gov Joint AIC Meeting February 17, 2005 Overview and Status Owen Ambur Co-Chair, XML CoP This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and information of the client to whom it is addressed.

2 1February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Table Of Contents  Vision  Accomplishments to Date  XML Schema Update  Demonstration  Next Steps ET.Gov

3 2 February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting The vision moves to simplify and enhance the support of emerging technologies  Desired Outcome—Well coordinated availability of logically separable technology components for potential Government-wide usage that utilizes a sustainable, self-supporting process for the technical assessment of emerging technologies  Key Benefits –Promotes information sharing about emerging technologies across the Federal community-- facilitates the development of communities of practice around components –Allows the IT innovation live-cycle to be managed on a Government-wide basis –Accelerates discovery, validation, and maturation of FEA technology components that improve Federal performance and the delivery of citizen services –Provides for a better coordinated and more productive response to component submissions in support of the eGov initiatives and within the framework of the FEA

4 3 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting The vision incorporates an 8-stage, phased process and approach  Stage 1: Identification—Information regarding proposed components is registered with the site and the information is indexed and made available for browse/search  Stage 2: Subscription—.gov persons (and others) indicate their level of interest in proposed components by subscribing to them  Stage 3: Stewardship—The ET Subcommittee accepts stewardship for proposed components  Stage 4: Graduation—Proposed components “graduate” to the Components Subcommittee upon approval by the ET Subcommittee and become candidates for  Stage 5: Budgeting—Components are included in the President’s budget and potentially in line- item funding by Congress  Stage 6: Acquisition—Components are acquired for use IT applications  Stage 7: Maintenance—Components are maintained throughout their life-cycle  Stage 8: Retirement/Replacement—Components are retired/replaced as needed

5 4 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting

6 5 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Accomplishments since official kickoff in January 2005  Developed scope of and requirements for Stage 1 capability  Developed a working model of the site—first demonstration today  The following features will be shown: –Online entry form with:  Component information  Submitter information (Organization/Representative—Optional) –XML instance creation –eMail confirmation/security mechanism –Unique component identification –Indexing  Additional updates are pending, and will include feedback received today

7 6 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting A series of updates have been identified for the XML Schema  The initial schema has been inherited from the earlier work done by Betty Harvey and Ken Sall, and will be updated as needed for Stage 1  Planned updates for Stage 1: –Incorporation of constructs from other initiatives (more on next slide) –Updates to various elements for additional semantic clarity –Additional categorization mechanisms (e.g. IMO Commercial Product Reviews categorization scheme) –Identification of domain (Information Technology, Health, Environment, etc.) as attribute on root element –Addition of a submission ID (will be valuable for submission modifications) –Removal of document-oriented elements –Others as necessary

8 7 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Incorporate constructs from XML schemas for other initiatives for increased interoperability and enhanced association  We are in the process of reviewing the following initiatives for Stage 1 incorporation: –Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM)  Examples of constructs we can potentially incorporate:  RelationshipType (complex type)  lastUpdatedDate (attribute)  lastUpdatedtime (attribute)  AddressType (complex type) – various subcomponents  OrganizationType (complex type) – various subcomponents –Intelink Management Office (IMO) Commercial Product Reviews schema (Joe Rockmore)  Examples of constructs we can potentially incorporate:  statusCode (simple type) – for review status  location (content model) – various subcomponents  homePage (element) – home page of organization  product (content model) – various subcomponents  functionality (content model) – functionality categories for product

9 8 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Demonstration: Component Identification (Stage 1)  Look and feel  Component submission  Mandatory and optional fields  Email security  Creation of XML instance

10 9 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Feedback on the demonstration  Recommendations  Concerns  Questions

11 10 ET.Gov February 17, 2005 Presentation---Joint AIC Meeting Next Steps  Enhance/expand web-site capability including –Browse/Search capability—site-driven and potential 3 rd party pilots –Indexing capability—site driven and potential 3 rd party pilots –XML upload capability  Finalize XML schema updates  Continue to evaluate/leverage complementary initiatives  Conduct usability testing leveraging BLS lab  Launch site on March 30, 2005 at GOVCON05 –  Plan/budget for future work on Stages 2 - 4?

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