A community of over 100 organizations working together to accomplish their respective missions with a common goal of improving human performance through.

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Presentation on theme: "A community of over 100 organizations working together to accomplish their respective missions with a common goal of improving human performance through."— Presentation transcript:

1 A community of over 100 organizations working together to accomplish their respective missions with a common goal of improving human performance through simulation.

2 Why Team Orlando Largest single concentration of Service training systems developers and Human Performance experts … with strong ties to the others All four Services, Coast Guard, USJFCOM and DHS locally represented Ability to leverage over $5B annual obligation spread across all four Services Joined together (“little j”) to enhance training system development … because it makes sense!

3 The Services’ primary simulation and training acquisition and sustainment organizations PEO-STRI, Army Program Executive Office - Simulation, Training, Instrumentation PM TRASYS, Marine Corps Program Manager Training Systems NAWCTSD, Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division TSPG, Air Force Training Systems Product Group Over 2,500 people and over $5B/yr in business ! Defense

4 Defense Resources AFAMS Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation RDECOM Army Research, Development and Engineering Command JDIF Joint Forces Command Joint Development Integration Facility USCG United States Coast Guard Program Office AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory JTIECTeam Orlando Joint Training Integration and Evaluation Center ARL Army Research Laboratory USNR United States Naval Reserve USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command ARI Army Research Institute ADL Co-lab Joint Advanced Distributed Learning Co-laboratory DAUDefense Acquisition University

5 6 th largest university in the United States –50,000 total students –41,000 students at main campus 213 academic programs –Masters and Ph.D. programs in M&S University of Central Florida - UCF Academia

6 Academia Resources Army War College University of Southern California Daytona Beach College Seminole County Public Schools Full Sail RWE University High School West Virginia University Note: Some players are not located in Orlando. Naval Post Graduate School Valencia Community College Purdue University

7 Enterprise Florida City of Orlando Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission Orange County Government Federal, State, Local Offices and Representatives Note: Some players are not located in Orlando. Government Resources

8 Industry Resources AAI AEgis AT&T BARCO Booz Allen Boeing CAE Camber Concurrent Cubic DRC Engineering Systems Solutions General Dynamics Northrop Grumman Metters Lockheed Martin L3 Com JHT Gestalt Southwest Research Simulation Entertainment SimiGon Silicon Graphics SAIC Raytheon SAAB Systems Research OVER 140 PLAYERS Disney CSCRockwell Collins HealthSoft

9 Examples of Other Players Note: Some players are not located in Orlando Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association (AFCEA) Central Florida Research Park Center for Strategic Management Digital Media Alliance Florida Florida High Tech Corridor Council Georgia Tech Research Institute Institute of Industrial Engineers Institute for Simulation & Training (IST) Modeling & Simulation Information Analysis Center (MSIAC) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Center for Simulation (160 members) National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) National Training Systems Association (NTSA) Simulation Industry Association of Australia Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Virginia Modeling Analysis & Simulation Center (65 members)


11 AT&T Synergies from Proximity L3 COM National Center for Simulation UNIVERSITY of CENTRAL FLORIDA LOCKHEED MARTIN Booz-Allen & Hamilton SAIC UNIVERSITY High School Simulation & Trng Technology Center (STTC) Institute for Simulation & Training Partnership III Building Site Partnership III Building Site RAYTHEON CSC GENERAL DYANAMIC COAST GUARD ARMY AIR FORCE MARINE CORPS NAVY Joint ADL Co-Lab DAU Joint ADL Co-Lab DAU JFCOM JDIF & JTIEC ARMY NAVY ARMY

12 Team Orlando Capabilities  Educate & train the next generation of MS&T scientists and professionals  Research and Development  Life Cycle Support: Development to Disposal  Physical security for all DoD components  Business and economic development  Homeland Security  Dual Use Technologies – Civilian and Military (game tech, medical, etc.)  Disaster preparedness & hurricane support to DoD components

13 $2.66 $2.95 $3.68 $4.57 $5.13 $4.44 $4.43 Annual Funding


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