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CCGPS Mathematics 7 th Grade Update Webinar Unit 5: Geometry December 13, 2013 James Pratt – Brooke Kline –

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Presentation on theme: "CCGPS Mathematics 7 th Grade Update Webinar Unit 5: Geometry December 13, 2013 James Pratt – Brooke Kline –"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCGPS Mathematics 7 th Grade Update Webinar Unit 5: Geometry December 13, 2013 James Pratt – Brooke Kline – Secondary Mathematics Specialists Microphone and speakers can be configured by going to: Tools – Audio – Audio setup wizard These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.

2 What are update webinars? Update on the work of the 2013 Resource Revision Team  Overall revisions  Unit 5 revisions Addressing areas which teachers have found to be more challenging Resources

3 2013 7 th Grade Resource Revision Team Tiffany Evans Whitfield Co. Amanda Wilhelm Cherokee Co. McKendree Ramsell Barrow Co. Leigh Kitchens Henry Co. Elizabeth Oliver Okefenokee RESA

4 Unit 5: Geometry 7th grade Mathematics

5 7 th Grade Comprehensive Course Overview Located on the 6-8 math section of Designed to provide clarification of CCGPS Mathematics Standards Organized to link together many sources of information pertinent to CCGPS 7 th Grade Standards The comprehensive course overviews in grades 6-8 are similar to “grade level overviews” in K-5. They have been created for Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry as well, making them a great tool for vertical alignment.

6 7 th Grade Comprehensive Course Overview Please be aware: – The Comprehensive Course Overview was updated recently to correct some minor details regarding formatting

7 Begin at Direct Link to Page

8 Select the CCGPS ELA/Math Tab Direct Link to Page

9 Select the Mathematics option under Browse CCGPS

10 Select the 6-8 option in the Mathematics section

11 Expand the 7th Grade Course

12 Select the Comprehensive Course Overview Expande Coordinate Algebra


14 Sections of Interest Critical areas of focus for the course Flipbook Links for each 7 th Grade CCGPS Standard Formative Assessment Lesson Information Unit Descriptions: Overview 7 th Grade Curriculum Map Additional Resource Links and Instructional Support

15 Formative Assessment Lessons

16 6-8 CCGPS Wikispace

17 Rationale for Unit 5 Revisions Prior to RevisionsAfter Revisions The introductory segment was too lengthy and not “teacher- friendly”; could not be consumed efficiently, so many teachers would skip this section. Differentiation suggestions have been incorporated for both enrichment and remediation Some standards were overrepresented by multiple tasks while other standards had no aligned task. Some tasks were removed or heavily edited in order to increase rigor and clarity while others were created. Many of the student versions of tasks needed more clarity in directions and more structure to help guide student responses. Links and explanations for Formative Assessment Lessons and Short Cycle Tasks provided by Shell Centre.

18 Task Table Notes

19 Unit 5 Tasks The Unit 5 Tasks Primarily Address: – Developing understanding for cross sections formed by slicing three-dimensional figures – Understanding the relationship between circumference and area – Finding missing angles using angle relationships – Using volume formulas in real-world contexts

20 Purpose of the Tasks Provide Opportunities for Problem-Based Learning – Examples: Check out Dan Meyer, Robert Kaplinksy’s websites Provide several entry points to the standards. Teachers should review all tasks in a given unit to determine which tasks would be appropriate for their students. Tasks can be adapted to fit the needs or your classroom. Most standards are covered by various tasks.

21 UnitTasks Added or deleted *Merged with another task FALSShort Cycle Tasks 5 Think Like a Fruit Ninja It’s As Easy as Pi Stained Glass Design Boxing Bracelets Staircase Cross-Sections of a Cube* Similar Cross-Sections* Gold Rush Designing a Sports Bag Applying Angle Theorems Designing a Garden Roman Mosaic Octagon Tile

22 Specific Task Comments and Explanations

23 MARS Formative Assessment Lessons (FALs)



26 Just A Friendly Reminder… The Unit 5 Frameworks are meant to be seen as GUIDELINES – Take from the frameworks what you need for your students to be successful – Note that there are more tasks included within the unit – It is not feasible nor expected to complete all of the assigned tasks within an academic year

27 MCC7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms. Unit 5 Challenges

28 MCC7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms. Unit 5 Challenges Surface AreaVolume Triangular Right PrismYes Hexagonal Right PrismYes Rectangular Right PrismYes CylinderNo PyramidYesNo ConeNo

29 MCC7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms. Volume of cylinder and cone are specifically addressed in MCC.8.G.9 along with spheres. Surface Area of a cylinder and cone is never specifically mentioned in the standards, though can be determined when students have the required prerequisites. Unit 5 Challenges

30 Compare the areas of the two figures below. Unit 5 Challenges Adapted from Circle Cover-Up

31 Unit 5 Challenges Adapted from Circle Cover-Up

32 Unit 5 Challenges Adapted from Circle Cover-Up

33 Unit 5 Challenges Adapted from Circle Cover-Up

34 What role do you think pi plays in finding the area of a circle? Unit 5 Challenges Adapted from Circle Cover-Up

35 Unit 5 Challenges

36 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

37 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

38 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

39 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

40 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

41 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

42 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

43 Let’s Review Core Lesson Draw a triangle that has one side that is 5 units long and one side that is 9 units long. Is there more than one triangle we could draw?

44 GaDOE Resources  Fall 2011 CCGPS Standards for Mathematical Practices Webinars -  Spring 2012 CCGPS Mathematics Professional Learning Sessions on GPB -  2012 – 2013 CCGPS Mathematics Unit-by-Unit Webinar Series -  Georgia Mathematics Teacher Forums -  CCGPS Mathematics Frameworks and Comprehensive Course Overviews -  Mathematics Formative Assessment Lesson Videos - Assessment-Lessons-Videos.aspx Assessment-Lessons-Videos.aspx Resources

45 Resource List The following list is provided as a sample of available resources and is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to investigate them to determine their value and appropriateness for your district. GaDOE does not endorse or recommend the purchase of or use of any particular resource.

46 CCGPS Resources  Georgia Virtual Learning -  SEDL videos - or  Illustrative Mathematics -  Dana Center's CCSS Toolbox -  Common Core Standards -  Tools for the Common Core Standards -  LearnZillion - Assessment Resources  Online Assessment System -  MAP -  Illustrative Mathematics -  CCSS Toolbox: PARCC Prototyping Project -  Smarter Balanced -  PARCC - Resources

47 LearnZillion Revised A more “user friendly” version of the Learnzillion lessons support learning new strategies, sharing with parents, helping absent students.

48 LearnZillion Revised

49 LearnZillion Revised

50 LearnZillion Revised

51 LearnZillion Revised

52 LearnZillion Revised

53 LearnZillion Revised

54 Resources Professional Learning Resources  Inside Mathematics-  Annenberg Learner -  Edutopia – http://www.edutopia.org  Teaching Channel - http://www.teachingchannel.org  Ontario Ministry of Education -  Achieve -  Expeditionary Learning: Center for Student Work - Blogs  Dan Meyer –  Robert Kaplinsky - Books  Van De Walle & Lovin, Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades 5-8

55 Feedback James Pratt – Brooke Kline –

56 Thank You! Please visit to share your feedback, ask questions, and share your ideas and resources! Please visit to join the 6-8 Mathematics email listserve. Follow on Twitter! Follow @GaDOEMath Brooke Kline Program Specialist (6 ‐ 12) James Pratt Program Specialist (6-12) These materials are for nonprofit educational purposes only. Any other use may constitute copyright infringement.

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