Geometry This slide show tells you about some but not all of the shapes and their definition. By:alex and josh.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry This slide show tells you about some but not all of the shapes and their definition. By:alex and josh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry This slide show tells you about some but not all of the shapes and their definition. By:alex and josh

2 Triangle A triangle is a three sided figure with three angles a face and a line of symmetry there are three types of triangles equilateral,isosceles,and scalene.

3 Square A square is a Quadrilateral with four equal sides and a face with four lines of symmetry.

4 Pentagon A pentagon is a polygon with five sides and a line of symmetry.

5 Hexagon A hexagon is a six sided figure with a face four lines of symmetry and no matter which way you turn it it’s all ways the same.

6 Cube A cube is a geometric shape with six faces and eight vertices.

7 Sphere A sphere is a shape with no face no angles and rolls.

8 Cone A cone is a shape with only one face one point and rolls.

9 Octagon A octagon is a eight sided figure with a face eight vertices and four lines of symmetry.

10 Rectangle A rectangle is a shape with four right angles and is symmetrical.

11 Cylinder A cylinder is a shape with two faces no vertices and can roll.

12 Circle A circle is a shape with one face and millions of vertices.

13 Rectangular Prism A rectangular prism is a shape with six faces and eight vertices.

14 Rhombus A rhombus is a shape with one face and four vertices.

15 Trapezoid A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with four vertices and one face and is symmetrical.

16 Pentagon A pentagon is a figure with five sides a face and one line of symmetry.

17 Array An array is a group of x’s or circles used in math.

18 Parallel Lines Parallel lines are lines that are exactly alike and are across from each other perfectly.

19 Intersecting Lines Intersecting lines are lines that intersect each other but don’t make a right angle.

20 Perpendicular Lines Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect but make a right angle.

21 Area Area is the measured distance inside a figure.

22 Perimeter Perimeter is the measured distance around a figure. 1 5

23 Similar Similar is when two shapes are the same but not the same size or color.

24 Congruent Congruent is when two shapes are alike same shape same color and is still congruent any way its facing.

25 Slide Sliding is when you just slide a object over.

26 Flip A flip is when you flip an object over and its backwards.

27 Turn When you turn a object you turn it so the corners match up.


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