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Math Lab—Periods 1 and 6 Learning Targets: 1.I can identify and write equivalent fractions. 2.I can find common denominators. Agenda: Equivalent Fractions.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Lab—Periods 1 and 6 Learning Targets: 1.I can identify and write equivalent fractions. 2.I can find common denominators. Agenda: Equivalent Fractions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Lab—Periods 1 and 6 Learning Targets: 1.I can identify and write equivalent fractions. 2.I can find common denominators. Agenda: Equivalent Fractions “Go Fish”—Star Wars Style Collect/Review Skill Practice 4 Renaming Fractions—Octagonal Prism Assignment/Homework: Turn in: Announcements: Timed X Test on Friday Long Division Work due Friday 9/20/2012

2 Accelerated Math Lab—Periods 4 Learning Targets: 1.I can identify and write equivalent fractions. 2.I can identify factors of a number. 3.I can name perfect square numbers. 4.I can identify a number as prime or composite 5.I can find LCM and GCF of numbers. Agenda: Equivalent Fractions “Go Fish”—Star Wars Style The Locker Problem Revisited—Prime Time Activity 5.1 Assignment/Homework: Turn in: Announcements: Timed X Test on Friday Long Division Work due Friday 9/20/2012

3 SpringBoard—Periods 3, 5, and 7 Learning Targets: 1.I can compare and order fractions with like and unlike denominators. 2.I can write equivalent fractions. Agenda: Warm-up: Pg 58 #32 (Use book for answer) Review Warm-up and HW SB 1.5 (10-18) Assignment/Homework: Pg 32 (5,6) Turn in: Announcements: MAP testing next Monday/ Tuesday Monday make-up this Monday 9/24 1.5 Quiz on next Wednesday 09/20/2012

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