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UNESCO CHAIR ON “Women, Science and Technology in Latin America” Multifocal Research Work supported by IDRC “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO CHAIR ON “Women, Science and Technology in Latin America” Multifocal Research Work supported by IDRC “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO CHAIR ON “Women, Science and Technology in Latin America” Multifocal Research Work supported by IDRC “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” Main Objective: To strengthen capacity building within social, youth and women organizations in Latin America to carry out youth and ICT related projects geared to promote: Learning about equity relations between genders. The exercise of citizen rights and responsibilities. The development of communication skills. Cultural creation. Technological innovation. Social proposals..

2 “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” MAJOR RESEARCH STAGES FIRST STAGE 1. Survey of programs aimed at providing access and training to the youth on the use of ICTS in Latin America. Output a) Online database development: b) Sample selection for qualitative assessment. 2. Field work with focus groups in four countries: Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica and Brazil. Output a) Analysis and systematization of information on a country basis. b) Outline of a preliminary map of project types: prevailing representations, practices and challenges ahead.

3 “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” MAJOR RESEARCH STAGES SECOND STAGE 1. Electronic forum with project leaders and representatives from youth, gender and ICT related organizations in Latin America. Output a) Presentation and regional discussion of research findings. b) Identification of needs and demands for gender approach integration training through ICT programs and projects for the youth. c) Guidelines for the setup of a Regional Electronic Network (driving group, action plan, resources, etc.). 2. Development of Training Material Output a) Interactive CD-ROM. b) Virtual Course: “Creador@s en la Sociedad del Conocimiento: estrategias para incoporar el enfoque de género en proyectos con jóvenes y TIC”.

4 “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” MAJOR RESEARCH STAGES THIRD STAGE 1. Training on the integration of the gender perspective into the development of new ICT programs for the youth. Output a) Delivery of a Virtual Course to a selected group of project leaders and organization representatives from the platform run by UNESCO Chair on “Women, Science and Technology in Latin America”. b) Presentation of an interactive CD-ROM in regional and international forums (the World Summit on the Information Society, Tunisia 2005, among others). 2. Face-to-face Meeting on Youth / Gender and ICT Issues Output a) Exchange of experiences among organizations and experts from all over the Region. b) Setup of a Regional Electronic Network of Organizations involved in youth and/or gender and ICT related projects.

5 “FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” Multifocal Research Work GENERAL RESULTS Based on a sample of 120 surveyed projects (15 countries in the Region)

6 FROM WORDS TO FACTS: Gender Equity in the Access and Use of the Internet by the Latin American Youth” Multifocal Research Work GENERAL RESULTS Percentage of projects with a gender perspective Reasons why the gender perspective is integrated into projects Reasons argued not to apply a gender perspective Irrelevant to the project57% Lack of well-trained human resources26% Lack of knowledge on the issue13% Disagreement4% Awareness and agreement with this approach 49% Gender-qualified human resources 27% Need to reverse inequity 24% Yes79% No21%

7 “In the Name of Gender”: Ways of Understanding and Applying this Approach to Analyzed Projects 1. Women present among project target. 2. Same number of males and females among project participants. 3. One gender expert present in staff. 4. Male and female equity as a human rights and citizenship issue.

8 Social Imaginary on Youth ICT Projects: A Tipology Building Sketch “Social Rescue” Projects ICTs can per se prevent the youth at risk to fall into poverty and social exclusion ultimately. “Citizenship-building” and Social Bonding Projects Access to ICTs is part of a more comprehensive proposal intended to foster organization and interaction among youngsters, and empower them as rightful persons playing an active role within their communities. “Swinging-board” Projects ICTs as a vehicle to drive labor development and individual success among youngsters.

9 Access and Use of ICTs by the Youth. Comparison between the Outlook of Adults and Youngsters Project Leaders 1. ICTs focus on IT literacy. 2. Contribute to avoid social and economic exclusion. 3. Provide tools and certifications to access better opportunities. 4. ICT programs create an environment of containment, sense of belonging and social networking. 5. Reduce social risk (“get the youth out of the streets”). 6. Expand contact and communication networks. 7. Further skills and encourage them if they have an entrepreneurial attitude. 8. Avoid migration from their home communities. 9. Stand as the primary threshold for integration and access to the workplace. Youth 1. Interest in the Internet prevails. 2. The use of ICTs enhances their interaction and communication opportunities with peers – virtual and face-to-face (youth culture building). 3. Mainly used to: a) Provide entertainment. b) Improve homework format submission. c) Search for information. d) Expand job opportunities. 4. Do not ascribe to ICTs a superlative significance in terms of social status or as an instrument crucial to join the labor market.

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