Before You Submit zChoose the best journal you think might accept your paper. Aim high! yThe more general the journal, the better. yThe more subscribers,

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Presentation on theme: "Before You Submit zChoose the best journal you think might accept your paper. Aim high! yThe more general the journal, the better. yThe more subscribers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before You Submit zChoose the best journal you think might accept your paper. Aim high! yThe more general the journal, the better. yThe more subscribers, the better. yThe higher the rejection rate, the better. yThe higher the impact factor, the better. xImpact factor: the average number of times articles published in the previous two years (e.g., 2006-2007) were cited in the most current full year (e.g. 2008). Bem (2000)

2 JournalImpact Nature28.751 Science26.372 Behavioral and Brain Science17.462 Annual Review of Psychology13.400 Trends in Cognitive Science12.421 Psychological Bulletin10.905 Psychological Review7.803 American Psychologist6.967 Personality and Social Psychology Review4.763 Journal of Abnormal Psychology4.684 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology4.505 Psychological Science4.251

3 JournalImpact Public Opinion Quarterly2.030 Journal of Health Communication1.836 Communication Monographs1.512 Communication Research1.481 Human Communication Research1.476 Communication Theory1.465 Media Psychology1.410 Cyberpsychology and Behavior1.368 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication1.232 Journal of Communication1.156 Health Communication1.047 Political Communication1.039

4 Before You Submit zIf you are unsure whether your manuscript is appropriate for a journal, send the Editor an email and abstract first. yIf the Editor says yes, you have your foot in the door. yIf the Editor says no, you saved yourself months of precious time. Bem (2000)

5 Before You Submit zIt is difficult to edit your own writing because you know what you meant to say and you understand the omitted steps. zGet critiques from several colleagues (simulates the review process) yIf they find something unclear, don’t argue with them. They are right! The writing is unclear. yAvoid the temptation to correct them verbally. Make the corrections in the manuscript in writing. yYour colleagues will be a lot nicer than the reviewers will be. Bem (2000)

6 Before You Submit zBe sure to follow the journals Guide to Authors (e.g., word count, abstract length) zIf you don’t know the journal well, read some articles from it. zPolish it, proof read it, then submit it! yDon’t expect reviewers to clean up your writing. yReviewers look for excuses to reject your paper. One big excuse is that it was poorly written yGood writing can go a long way in terms of getting your papers published. Bem (2000)

7 Review Process zEditor selects 1 to 5 anonymous reviewers zManuscript under review 1 to 6 months. yDo follow-up study during this time! zDecision letters yAccept yAccept subject to revisions yRevise and resubmit yReject

8 Please rate the manuscript on the following scales: POOR=0 MARGINAL=1 ADEQUATE=2 EXCELLENT=3 1) __2___Subject matter appropriate for Psychological Science 2) __2__Importance of subject matter generally (if different) 3) __1__Attention to relevant literature 4) __1__Design of research 5) __2___Analysis of data 6) __1__Interpretation of results; discussion; conclusions 7) __1__Clarity of presentation 8) __3__Length, succinctness 9) __3__Use of space for tables and figures Recommendation: _____ Accept as is _____ Revise and resubmit (use very sparingly) _____ Accept subject to revisions ___X__ Reject

9 Review Process zRejection rates are generally 85-90% zIf you get a “revise and resubmit” decision, rejoice! zIf you get a reject, but think you can address the concerns (e.g., by conducting a new study), revise the manuscript and beg the Editor to reconsider it. zGalleys (this is the time to make changes). zPage proofs (only typos corrected)

10 Tell the Masses! zOrdinary people do not read psychology journals. (My own Ph.D. students don’t even read my articles unless I force them to.) zWrite a press release to describe the results of your research in very simple, short statements. Use “sound bites.” zYour university might have a press person who writes press releases. If so, find out who it is. If not, write your own press release.

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