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Our Favorite Parents!!. What are Helicopter Parents? Parents of the millennial generation are perhaps the most involved and demanding mothers and fathers.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Favorite Parents!!. What are Helicopter Parents? Parents of the millennial generation are perhaps the most involved and demanding mothers and fathers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Favorite Parents!!

2 What are Helicopter Parents? Parents of the millennial generation are perhaps the most involved and demanding mothers and fathers in higher education history. They intervene often with college officials on behalf of their sons and daughters and are aggressive advocates for student support, attention, service, and convenience. In particular, the high cost of college tuition leads parents to expect institutions to provide exemplary customer services The increased involvement of so-called “ helicopter ” parents has inflated the emphasis on student needs, expectations, comfort and support. Dalton, J., & Crosby, P. (2008). Challenging college students to learn in campus cultures of Comfort, convenience and complacency. Journal of College and Character. 9, 4.

3 What are Helicopter Parents? Cont. Ironically, while appearing somewhat detached from the intricacies of their peer groups, many millennial students are in contact with their parents multiple times a day. The involvement of parents in students ’ lives reflects a strong family unit that universities and colleges should celebrate. By working with the parents, and educating them about the aspects of becoming a serious student, universities and colleges can capitalize on this trusting relationship. Parents must also be educated to transfer some of this trust to professors and student affairs professionals who may be better equipped to guide students during their time at college. While the cell phone may be the “ longest umbilical cord in the world, ” parents may need some guidance about what will nourish moral development and what will hinder it. The natural desire of parents to protect and defend their children has left little room for learning opportunities for the students. Casteen, L., Gibson, E., & Lampkin, P. (2007). Fostering moral reflection and perception in college. Journal of College and Character. 9, 5.

4 Helicopters vs. Stealth Bombers Helicopter Parents –Usurping student autonomy –Intrusive involvement –High contact –Parent Relations: Letting Go –Parent Partnership Stealth Bomber Parents –College = Business –Intrusive involvement –Higher contact –Gen X ’ er mentality: College = money –Parent Relations: Business Efficiency, Career Development

5 Why do parents hover? The changing nature of college in the United States may also play a role in the heightened anxiety of parents. Higher education is no longer the luxury it once was … –It is now a requirement for many jobs, particularly professional or white-collar positions, and has become available to a greater portion of the population. –The tuition cost of higher education has more than doubled since 1967, even factoring in inflation. –A greater portion of students live at home either during college or afterwards. –A bachelor ’ s degree isn't sufficient qualification for a growing number of careers.

6 Parents ’ Traits Consumer mentality Attachment Parenting – overprotective/concerned, “ Baby on Board ” More pessimistic in nature Seen as friends by their children promoting constant contact Perpetual negotiators

7 AFFECT OF PARENTS ’ TRAITS ON CAMPUS Expectation of immediate administrative response Not concerned with consequences or “ teachable moments ” ; if a decision goes badly, they just fix it Propensity to threaten legal action Passionate prioritization of education Economic pressures compel to intervene, employability –Demand bottom line accountability and a calculable return on investment!

8 PARENTAL FACTORS: –Racial and Ethnic According to the annual survey of college freshmen conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles … White students are least likely to want more parental involvement while Latino students are more likely to want more. –Class –First Generation Considerations

9 MILLENIAL STUDENT PERCEPTIONS: 60% think their parents expect them to meet a higher standard of personal behavior than parents apply to themselves. (taken from a study of 655 Fairfax County School System students conducted by Strauss and Howe) Aren ’ t used to thinking on their own … being told what to do Achieving but rewarded for participation NOT achievement … Team players Want priorities, rules and procedures

10 INVOLVED PARENTS, SATISFIED STUDENTS: According to the 2007 National Survey of Student Engagement … –Students who frequently (defined as “ often ” or “ very often ” ) contact their parents AND whose parents frequently contact the college on their behalf, are MORE satisfied with their college experience AND report higher levels of engagement and academic fulfillment than do their counterparts.

11 To help put this into perspective:

12 Paradigm Shift/Confusion Culture of Parent Partnership Warfare Labeling- Combative Interaction What are parents to believe?

13 Food for Thought How is our school climate affected by parental involvement? How do we aid our students in becoming independent? How can we help put our parents at ease?

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