Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_101 Movement Studies Introduction to StudyNet.

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Presentation on theme: "Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_101 Movement Studies Introduction to StudyNet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_101 Movement Studies Introduction to StudyNet

2 Plan Overview of Study Skills StudyNet The what, where, how, why etc Blended learning Your questions Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_102

3 3 Study Skills at UH FSPPD will cover many of the writing, study and literature searching skills that you will need to assist you with your studies Next week in this session: Group working i-skills sessions in LRC Lots of on line resources: FSPPD will point you in the right direction such as i-spy tutorials and info on health resources – left hand menu Next year you will have further sessions about furthering your study skills First bits of written work are: in FSPPD (wk 6) - summative essay in CResp essay week 9 - a formative WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE????

4 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_104

5 5 StudyNet Intranet system Ongoing development of a managed learning environment - at UH since 2002 Accessible: On site computers in LRC, Resource Room in Physio All rooms in residences are now networked Most areas of the campus are wireless Off site - not all resources accessible Need to set up VPN: Self Help Guide September 08 4 Off-campus access to University of Hertfordshire networked electronic services Learning and Information Services Help and Support ‘Self Help Guides’ Integral to studies and hopefully invaluable to you

6 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_106 Please do not use to contact staff – use e- mail E-mail Your current modules Programme and Pathway Points Support e.g. Medical centre etc

7 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_107 How will it support your studies Current modules - Module information Year information – Pathway Point Course information – Programme Point Links to library – Voyager Links to Databases, Journal etc Learning Resources University e-mail address: please use this address to communicate with staff i.e., not your Yahoo etc address; we will only communicate with you via your UH address PLEASE do not use the personal message system to contact staff

8 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_108 How will it support your studies Academic support MAPS part of FSPPD portfolio Support generally: info on many aspects of Uni life, accommodation, travel, financial advice, health etc Social info News etc

9 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_109 Specifically to Physiotherapy Every module that you are studying has a site Pathway Point ?? What’s this Programme Point ?? What’s this at least 3 times a week while in Uni and at least ONCE a week while on placement Please check all your current modules and Pathway and Programme Points at least 3 times a week while in Uni and at least ONCE a week while on placement. These standards have been set at the Staff Student Consultative Committee Staff will check at least 3 times a week – usually more Please note – staff can monitor access Last year closely allied to success in the year

10 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1010 Module contents Module Home Page Module News Module information Module Guides DMDs – what are these? Learning Support Packs Teaching Resources Slides, documents etc related to teaching sessions These will be uploaded no later than 5 working days after the session and sometimes before. Podcasting Wikis Coursework and exam results – provisional

11 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1011 Module contents Class Discussion Opportunity for you to ask each other/us questions NB we see this as an opportunity for you to share your knowledge, we will monitor the sites regularly but not necessarily answer the question if we feel that it is easily answerable by yourselves – so help each other out! Part of learning is being able to explain things to other people Anonymous posting only allowed for assessment queries PLEASE keep your questions and responses under the correct headings and courteous at all times

12 Module Contents Assignments All written assignments electronically and paper copy All instructions on the relevant module site To facilitate marking (by some staff) and the use of Turnitin Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1012

13 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1013 Learning Resources Two pronged Specific to the modules General Reading lists and access to useful Websites and Journal articles specific to module Information Hertfordshire place to start with info re all of information services here Information Hertfordshire Links to the wider Journals, Databases etc NB to access the full range of articles from home you need to set up VPN – see back

14 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1014 Pathway Point contents Pathway Point News Pathway Group Information – Clinical info specific to your year Timetables Pathway Teaching Resources Induction week info More clinical info Pathway Discussion Site For queries that relate to the year rather than a specific module You may use this to arrange year social events but please remember it is still part of your course! For safety reasons you may wish to use your University e-mail as a point of contact rather than your mobile phone

15 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1015 Programme Point contents Programme Information Lots of it! Need to know what is on there Start to have a look but note PROTOCOLS FOR PRACTICAL SKILLS Programme Point Teaching Resources Clinical information – also know and Practice, Placement site information now contains a link is now on a new separate website link in Teaching Resources on Programme InfoTeaching Resources on Programme Info Accommodation Claiming Travel

16 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1016 IMPORTANT In all writing whether it is via e-mail or discussion site please keep the language intelligible and courteous. Abusive language will be removed and action taken: It will be construed as an issue of Professional misconduct

17 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1017 MAPS More about that in FSPPD StudyNet version of a Reflective Portfolio Have a browse through the MAPS via the link on the Left hand side of your Portal (under Your Options)

18 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1018 Where do I start? Log on to StudyNet Go to Student Support and click on Information Hertfordshire Help and support and Discovering UH learning resources Self help guides

19 So:- Go and have a browse on StudyNet!! If you a bit scared of computers find a student who isn’t to show you how easy (or otherwise !!) it is Links to Introduction videos 25 minutes student introduction 50 minute introduction – long but informative from staff and student aspect! 50 minute introduction Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1019

20 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1020 Blended Learning Unit Four years ago the University won a £4 ½ million to set up a centre of excellence for Blended Learning They live on the 2 nd floor of the LRC on the right and define Blended Learning as:

21 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1021 UH definition ‘UH views Blended Learning as the combining of e-learning opportunities and traditional campus-based learning in reflective and innovative ways, so that our students’ learning is enhanced and choice increased’ (from BLU’s UH web page)

22 Quick check Which sites do you need to keep an eye on? Any other queries?? Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1022

23 Mvt. Studies. Wk2_Intro to StudyNet_09_1023 Learning outcomes By the end of this session the successful student will be able to: Describe the key features of StudyNet Identify how and where to access StudyNet Begin to relate how StudyNet will be used in their studies Identify what the University means by the term ‘Blended’ Learning’

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