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Cells: A World A Part Created by Brian Gibbens, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells: A World A Part Created by Brian Gibbens, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells: A World A Part Created by Brian Gibbens, Ph.D.

2 Learning Objectives Students will be able to... 1.Identify cell parts and explain their function 2.Explain how defects in a cell part can result in human disease 3.Generate thought-provoking questions that expand upon existing knowledge 4.Create a hypothesis and experimental plan to answer a cell part question 5.Find and reference relevant cell biology journal articles

3 “The one who does the work does the learning.” Complete Catalog of Cell Parts

4 Top 10 Reasons for Doing This 10.It’ll be on the test. 9.Practice asking questions 8.Explore answers to your own questions 7.Practice finding papers 6. Practice reading papers 5.Don’t waste time covering what you already know 4. Practice teamwork skills & time management 3. Practice for LTP2 2. Avoid a boring lecture 1. Discover the why cell biology is practical

5 Identify Your Team’s Cell Part 1.Nucleus 2.Centrosome 3.Rough ER 4.Smooth ER 5.Cytoskeleton 6.Peroxisome 7.Golgi apparatus 8.Lysosome 9.Ribosome 10.Plasma Membrane 11.Peroxisome 12.Glycocalyx 13.Vesicles 14.Vacuole 15.Mitochondria 16.Chloroplast Your group # corresponds to your assigned cell part.

6 Cell Part Activity Step 1: Record everything your team knows about this cell part on a piece of paper. (5 min) Step 2: What don’t you know about this cell part? Compose a list of questions. (5 min) Step 3: Select your 1-3 favorite questions. (5 min) – Is the answer is already known? Search the web. – If not, propose an experiment to answer it.

7 Find the Worksheet Online Use the worksheet to create your team’s presentation.

8 Worksheet Questions 1.What do you already know about your cell part? What does it do? 2.What questions do you have about your cell part? 3.Using online review articles and primary literature articles, try to answer the questions you posed above. What did you learn in your research that you didn’t know before? 4.What is still unknown about your cell part? What research is still being done? 5.How does your cell part relate to human disease? Next class period each group will present their slides to other groups.

9 Example Slide from Past Presentations

10 Muddiest Point Minute Paper What questions do you have? What are you most confused about? Hand these in today Review and answer these questions for exam

11 Debrief 1.Thinking about the big picture, what is the most important thing you learned about cell parts today? 2.What did you get out of the poster session that you wouldn’t have got out of a lecture? 3.What questions do you still have?

12 Debrief continued Learning Goals of this exercise: Students will appreciate how cell parts relate to their lives and future careers in research or medicine Students will think metacognatively to identify what they know about a particular topic Students will improve their teamwork and time-management skills as they answer the provided questions and create a poster session presentation 5.Did this activity help you achieve the learning goals listed above? – If yes, please provide some examples. – If no, explain what was missing.

13 The End

14 Possible Assessments Formative: Minute Paper about their Stickiest Point, Presentation about their cell part, Class discussion Summative: Quiz, Exam, Long Term Project

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