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BIOLOGY FINAL REVIEW. What type of biomolecule are enzymes? –Protein.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOLOGY FINAL REVIEW. What type of biomolecule are enzymes? –Protein."— Presentation transcript:


2 What type of biomolecule are enzymes? –Protein

3 What is the basic building block of proteins? –Amino acids

4 An atom’s second energy level holds ___ electrons. –Eight

5 The basic unit of life is the ____. –Cell

6 What type of bonds are found in unsaturated lipids? –Double bonds

7 Cells that contain a nucleus are classified as _______. –Eukaryotes

8 The information gathered during the experiment is called ______. –Data

9 The passing on of traits from parents to offspring is called _____. –Heredity

10 Cells containing two alleles for each trait are described as ___ cells. –Diploid

11 The female gamete is called a(n) ____ cell. –Egg

12 _____ is the organelle that is gel-like and holds the other organelles –Cytoplasm

13 Which type of cell has ONLY a cell membrane? –Animal

14 Cells that only contain ONE allele for each trait are called ____ cells. –Haploid

15 A structured procedure for collecting information to test a hypothesis is called the ______. –Experiment

16 The part of the experiment in which all conditions are kept the same is called the ___. –Control

17 What is the function of chlorophyll? –Absorption of sunlight

18 The sequence of growth & division of a cell is called the ___. –Cell Cycle

19 In aerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor in the ETC is _____. –Oxygen

20 Energy is released from ATP when the bond is broken between… –Two phosphate groups

21 What is the longest phase of the cell cycle? –Interphase

22 The pairing of ____ in DNA is the key to insuring the code. –Nitrogen bases

23 A DNA nucleotide is made up of a phosphate, nitrogen base and…. –Deoxyribose sugar

24 ______ structures show similarities between organisms. For example, birds & mammals that share similar bone structures –Homologous structures

25 Where in the cell does translation take place? –Ribosomes

26 What organelle is responsible for storage? –Vacuole

27 Write an example of a heterozygous genotype. (using the letter B) –Bb

28 What type of inheritance shows a blending of the trait? –Incomplete dominance

29 What type of inheritance expresses both traits EQUALLY? –Codominance

30 What type of inheritance pattern controls blood types? –Multiple alleles

31 Sex-linked traits are usually carried on the __ chromosome. –X chromosome

32 What process creates gametes? –Meiosis

33 ____ is the replacement of a defective gene with a normal gene –Gene therapy

34 A ____ is a tool that charts chromosomes according to size, banding & centromere location –Karyotype

35 The entire collection of genes within the human race is called the _______. –Human genome

36 ____ is used to transfer DNA from one organism to another –Vector

37 ____ is the father of binomial nomenclature –Carolus Linnaeus

38 ____ is the science of grouping & naming organisms –Taxonomy

39 What human genetic disorder is caused by having only one X sex chromosome? –Turner syndrome

40 ___ is a tool used to compare DNA fragments –DNA fingerprinting

41 What genetic disorder results in the person having Trisomy 21? –Down Syndrome

42 ____ are organisms that contains functional recombinant DNA –Transgenic organism

43 What is an example of an ABIOTIC factor? –Soil quality –Water quality –Temperature –Amount of sunlight –Amount of rainfall

44 What is an example of parasitism? –Deer & tick –Human & tapeworm –Flea & dog

45 _____ is the manipulation of DNA –Biotechnology

46 What is the function of the ribosome? –Make proteins

47 Plant cells make their food in this organelle.. –Chloroplast

48 What are the products of photosynthesis? –Glucose & oxygen

49 The total number of ATP molecules made in glycolysis? –Two

50 Which type of consumer is found at the base (start) of all food chains? –producer

51 A flood would be an example of _____ succession. –Secondary

52 Which scientist described evolution by using the theory of natural selection? –Darwin

53 Where would you find the most fertile farmland? –Grasslands

54 Restriction enzymes cut DNA strands, leaving _____ to help join the DNA with another DNA strand. –Sticky ends

55 What do the arrows represent in a food web? –Energy flow

56 A device used by geneticists for predicting the possible offspring of 2 individuals is a(n) ____ –Punnett square

57 How many X chromosomes does a normal female have? –Two

58 On a pedigree a half shaded circle represents….. –A carrier

59 Hemophilia & red-green colorblindness are inherited by…. –Sex-linked trait

60 How many PAIRS of chromosomes are in a normal human body cell? –23 pairs

61 How many mature egg cells are produced during meiosis? –4 (four)

62 During cytokinesis, a plant cells forms a ____ between the cells. –Cell plate

63 What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide? –Sugar, phosphate & base

64 When does DNA replication occur? –Interphase

65 The first step of cellular respiration is ___. –Glycolysis

66 Fermentation occurs when there is no ___ present. –Oxygen

67 In addition to alcohol, fermentation also produces _____ –Carbon dioxide

68 _____ are found in both plants & animals but in different sizes. –Vacuoles

69 Osmosis does not occur in a(n) ___ solution. –Isotonic

70 If a cell is placed in salt water, water leaves the cell by ___. –osmosis

71 How many electrons can be held by an atom in the first energy level? –Two(2)

72 The following organic compound contains H, C & O in a 1:2:1 ratio… –carbohydrate

73 Which organic molecules provides long- term energy & insulation? –lipid

74 Living things change during their lives through ____. –Adaptations

75 Scientific explanation of know facts arrived at through repeated testing is a ____. –theory

76 Please….please study for this final & Good Luck!! Study your REVIEW PACKET!!!

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