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By: Cameron Gunn and Brittany Sleeper

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1 By: Cameron Gunn and Brittany Sleeper
Ciliophorans By: Cameron Gunn and Brittany Sleeper

2 Examples of Ciliophorans
Paramecium Stentor Euplotes Stylonchia

3 Important Features of Ciliates
Ciliates are unicellular protists Ciliates have tail-like projections that help them move and eat, called cilia. Special Organelles: Two Nuclei—hold genetic information Contractile Vacuoles—pump water out of the cell Food Vacuoles—transport food throughout the cell

4 Significance of Ciliates
Balantidium Coli: Only member of the family that is parasitic to humans Other hosts are pigs, wild boars, rats, primates, horses, cattle, and guinea pigs. They are usually aquired by ingestion of contaminated food. They reside in the large intestine and can be treated with antibiotics.

5 Significance of Ciliates
They provide many first graders with an introduction to biology. Some live in the digestive tracts of hoofed mammals to counter-balance the large populations of bacteria that break down cellulose from the animal’s food. Some ciliates can cause diseases in fish.

6 Life Cycle of Ciliates

7 Interesting Facts about Ciliates
Ciliates have two nulcei: One is used for reproduction, the other is used for general cell regulation. They have Trichocysts: These can be used for protection or as an anchor. Ciliates sometimes exhibit cortical inheritance. This means that inheritance is regulated by the shape of the outer layer of cytoplasm.

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