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Mobility Limited Flip-Based Sensor Networks Deployment Reporter: Po-Chung Shih Computer Science and Information Engineering Department Fu-Jen Catholic.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobility Limited Flip-Based Sensor Networks Deployment Reporter: Po-Chung Shih Computer Science and Information Engineering Department Fu-Jen Catholic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobility Limited Flip-Based Sensor Networks Deployment Reporter: Po-Chung Shih Computer Science and Information Engineering Department Fu-Jen Catholic University 2015/9/14

2 2 2 Outline  Introduction  Related work Edmonds-Karp algorithm Assumption  SOLUTION Overview Mobility Model Constructing the Virtual Graph  Performance  Conclusion

3 3 3 Introduction  It is not practical to manually position sensors in desired locations.  In this paper, we study deployment of sensor networks using mobile sensors.  Our problem is to determine a movement plan for the sensors in order to maximize the sensor network coverage and minimize the number of flips.

4 4 4 Introduction  A certain number of flip-based sensors are initially deployed in the sensor network that is clustered into multiple regions. (a) movement plan (b) result

5 5 5 (a) A snapshot of the sensor network and the optimal movement plan. (b) The resulting deployment. Introduction

6 6 6 Outline  Introduction  Related work Edmonds-Karp algorithm Assumption  SOLUTION Overview Mobility Model Constructing the Virtual Graph  Performance  Conclusion

7 7 7  Edmonds-Karp algorithm Use BFS to find the augmenting path. The augmenting path is a shortest path from s to t in the residual network. Running Time of Edmonds-Karp algorithm : O(VE 2 ). Given a network of seven nodes, source A, sink G, and capacities as shown below: Related work 7 7

8 8 8  Assumption All the sensors are mobile. Each sensor knows its position. The sensor network is a square field. It is divided into two-dimensional regions, where each region is a square of size R. { } R, where and are sensing and transmission ranges of the sensors. i.e., R =m*d Sensors can flip only once to a new location. Related work 8 8

9 9 9 Outline  Introduction  Related work Edmonds-Karp algorithm Assumption  SOLUTION Overview Mobility Model Constructing the Virtual Graph  Performance  Conclusion

10 10 SOLUTION  Overview Phase 1 : Each sensor in the network will first determine its position and the region it resides in. Phase 2 : Sensors then forward their location information to the base-station (region-head). Phase 3 : The base-station using the region information to determine the movement plan. Phase 4 : The base-station will then forward the movement plan to corresponding sensors in the network.

11 11 SOLUTION  Mobility Model First : The distance to which a sensor can flip is fixed and is equal to F. Second : Sensors can flip to distances between 0 and F.  Parameters definition F : The maximum distance a sensor can flip. d : F is an integral multiple of the basic unit d. ( sensors can flip once to distances d, 2d, 3d,... nd from its current location, where nd = F ). C : C=n denotes the sensor has n choices for the flip distance ( between d and maximum distance F ).

12 12 Parameters definition (Cont.) Hole : Region without any sensor. Source : Region with at least two sensors. Forwarder : Region with only one sensor.  EX1 : F=d, C=1, reachable regions of region 1 are regions 2 and 5.  EX2 : F=2d, C=1, reachable regions of region 1 are regions 3 and 9.  EX3 : F=2d, C=n, reachable regions of region 1 are regions 2,3,5, and 9. SOLUTION 12

13 13 SOLUTION  Constructing the Virtual Graph for the Case R = d, F = d, C = 1

14 14 SOLUTION  Constructing the Virtual Graph for the Case R = d, F = d, C = 1 Case2 R = d, F = 2d, C = 1 Case3 R = d, F = 2d, C = n

15 15 SOLUTION 15  Constructing the Virtual Graph for the Case R = 2d, F = d, C = 1 12 34

16 16 SOLUTION  Theorem 1. Let be the minimum-cost maximum-flow plan in GV. Its corresponding flip plan will maximize coverage and minimize the number of flips.

17 17 Outline  Introduction  Related work Edmonds-Karp algorithm Assumption  SOLUTION Overview Mobility Model Constructing the Virtual Graph  Performance  Conclusion

18 18 Performance Qi : The number of regions with at least one sensor at initial deployment. Qo : The number of regions with at least one sensor after the movement plan determined by our solution is executed. CI = Qo – Qi (Coverage Improvement) FD=J/Qo – Qi (Denoting J as the optimal number of flips as determined by our solution). Network sizes : 300*300 units and 150*150 units. The region sizes are R = 10 and R = 20 units. The basic unit of flip distance d = 10 units. C=1 and C=n. The number of sensors deployed is equal to the number of regions. PN = P/Q (Denoting P as the total number of packets (or messages) sent and Q as the number of regions). : Different distributions in initial deployment.

19 19 Performance

20 20 Performance

21 21 Performance

22 22 Performance

23 23 Performance

24 24 Performance

25 25 Outline  Introduction  Related work Edmonds-Karp algorithm Assumption  SOLUTION Overview Mobility Model Constructing the Virtual Graph  Performance  Conclusion

26 26 Conclusion  We proposed a minimum-cost maximum- flow based solution to optimize coverage and the number of flips.

27 27 Thanks for your attention

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