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Amanda Ross (WK03) Observation of the 5 1  u + and 5 1  u states of Rb 2 by polarisation labelling spectroscopy Jacek Szczepkowski, Włodzimierz Jastrzebski.

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Presentation on theme: "Amanda Ross (WK03) Observation of the 5 1  u + and 5 1  u states of Rb 2 by polarisation labelling spectroscopy Jacek Szczepkowski, Włodzimierz Jastrzebski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amanda Ross (WK03) Observation of the 5 1  u + and 5 1  u states of Rb 2 by polarisation labelling spectroscopy Jacek Szczepkowski, Włodzimierz Jastrzebski Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Paweł Kowalczyk, Anna Grochola Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw Abdul- Rahman Allouche, Patrick Crozet and Amanda Ross Institut Lumière Matière, UMR 5306, Université Lyon1 & CNRS Just two of many excited states lying about 26000 cm -1 above the electronic ground state. PAN-CNRS €

2 Amanda Ross (WK03) Intentions A straightforward project to identify  in electronic states seen by Han & Heaven J Mol Spectrosc. 268 37 (2011). "Cold" excitation spectrum, vib. resolution, UV accessible with ns dye laser

3 Amanda Ross (WK03) Key changes in the experiment heatpipe source ~250 °C 2 colour polarisation labelling spectroscopy Work at higher J, but selectively  ', v ', ( J-1), J, (J+1) B 1  u "V" scheme X 1  g + v ", J Pump (scan) Label (fixed wavelength probe) Tuned to chosen B-X transitions

4 Amanda Ross (WK03) Polarisation spectroscopy selection rules Label X state v",J" with a fixed laser wavelength ( LABEL/PROBE ) Scan the other (Pump). Illustration for a 1  u upper state Label transition Rb 2 B 1  u – X 1  g + P(J) or R(J) Q(J) Pump lasernpolarisation Circular strong P,R Linear strong Q + weak P,R Circular nothing Linear strong Q + weak P,R Combinations can confirm assignments.

5 Amanda Ross (WK03) Experiment (IF-PAN) Excellent sensitivity (crossed polarisers + spectrograph)  Laser used to 'label' has fwhm 0.25 cm -1. Nile blue, DCM label B-X BBQ + BBD

6 Amanda Ross (WK03) Signals ? Yes. In fact, too many signals! This experiment is NOT selective. The spectra are (very) hard to assign. Supposed to show transitions from v"=1 J"=73 Pump laser with circ. polarisation Label via P(73) 7-1 B-X ??

7 Amanda Ross (WK03) Record another spectrum. Look for correlations

8 Amanda Ross (WK03) Better way to correlate spectra : take products. Multiply those two spectra. Sacrifice intensity information to some degree

9 Amanda Ross (WK03) Iterate until something emerges pump laser linear polarisation pump laser circular polarisation Both spectra labeled via R(47) 5-1 and R(47) 6-1 (products shown) cm -1

10 Amanda Ross (WK03) Quantum number assignments ? J' reasonably secure (from correlated pump transitions) v' Harder, G and F intervals not quite regular. Two similar states, 1  u + G ~31.7 cm -1 B v ~0.0158 cm -1 acceptable 1  u + G ~35.8(2) cm -1 B v ~0.0159 cm -1 messy 1  u - G ~35.1(2) cm -1 B v ~0.0164 cm -1 85 Rb 2 & 85 Rb 87 Rb observations confirm v for 1  u + FCF patterns suggest assignments for 1  u

11 Amanda Ross (WK03) Preliminary results Dunham type parameters, levels v = 2 - 20 1  u 1  u + T e 26131.4 26114.2 Y 10 35.603 31.76 Y 01 0.01590.0159 10 5 Y 11 -3.73E-05 -3.874 10 5 q 01 6.37 RMS dev.0.30.1 Compare with ab initio results : likely assignment 5 1  u and 5 1  u +

12 Amanda Ross (WK03) RKR curves show how close these states are Remarkably close to ab inito V(R) 5 1  u 5 1  u + Points : RKR curve. Lines : ab inito (A-R Allouche) Data

13 Amanda Ross (WK03) The pseudopotential CI theoretical point of view AR Allouche : extension of calculations published in JCP 136, 114302 (2012) 4 1  u + 5 1  u + 5p + 5p 5s + 6p

14 Amanda Ross (WK03) Conclusion so far. 1. The interesting parts of V(R) are not yet observed. 2. No progress at all with the original project, but those states were possibly 4 1  u and 1st well of 4 1  u +. 5 1  u + 5 1u5 1u E cm -1 28000 26000 5 10 15 20 R (A)

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