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ABS Management Tool Sponsored by: SECO Organized by: IISD, Stratos Inc., Jorge Cabrera International Meeting on Implementation of the ABS Management Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "ABS Management Tool Sponsored by: SECO Organized by: IISD, Stratos Inc., Jorge Cabrera International Meeting on Implementation of the ABS Management Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABS Management Tool Sponsored by: SECO Organized by: IISD, Stratos Inc., Jorge Cabrera International Meeting on Implementation of the ABS Management Tool October 9, 2007 Montreal

2 Meeting Objectives  To launch the ABS Management Tool – Final version  To build support and engagement for implementation of the ABS Management Tool 2

3 3 Agenda 1)Welcome and Introductions 2)The ABS – MT Project and Presentation of the Management Tool 3)Discussion of the Implementation Plan 4)Discussion of Factors for Successful Implementation 5)Next Steps

4 4 ABS Management Tool Project Phase 1 (2003 - 2004)  Research on ABS and other standards  Development of working draft Management Tool Phase 2 (2004 – 2007)  Field Testing  Outreach and stakeholder consultations  Assessment of implementation options  Revision and finalization of the ABS-MT International Advisory Committee -------------------------- Supported by  Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Executed by  IISD  Stratos Inc.  Jorge Cabrera

5 5 Project Activities Development of the Management Tool:  Working Draft + User Guide – 2004  Revised Working Draft – 2006  Best Practice Standard and Handbook - 2007 Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement Field Testing of the ABS – MT Design of an Implementation Plan

6 6 Outreach and Feedback  CBD Forums  Industry  Indigenous Peoples  Governments  Researchers  NGOs  International ABS Practitioners Workshop - Costa Rica

7 7 Testing the Management Tool in Practice  Field Tests  Use of the ABS-MT in new ABS negotiations (project level) Australia Bolivia Cameroon Malaysia Tanzania

8 8 Lessons Learned – ABS Trends  Growing areas of activity  Micro-organisms, plants, animals with novel enzymes  Bulk collection of genetic/biological resources – cosmetics, herbal medicines  New environments – marine, severe environmental conditions  Strong demand for international guidance:  By governments, industry, research institutions + communities

9 9 Lessons Learnt – ABS Challenges  Lack of legal certainty – particularly at national level  Many genetic resource users still don’t understand ABS requirements covered by CBD:  Need for capacity building – governments, Indigenous peoples, other communities, companies  Chilling effect of publicized cases  Fragmentation/increasingly complex supply chain  Importance of linking ABS to conservation objectives  No clear boundaries between access for research and bio-prospecting

10 10 The Need ABS Management Tool Build confidence to interact Guide & inform negotiation and decision-making Engender trust to work together Ensure compliance with the Bonn Guidelines Provider User Collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships

11 11 Purpose of the ABS Management Tool  Best practice standard and handbook which provides guidance and tools on ABS practice for Users and Providers to ensure compliance with the Bonn Guidelines and CBD requirements  A structured process and fair and equitable means of participating in and making decisions about ABS negotiations and the implementation of ABS agreements  To inform and guide Users and Providers in a neutral way to help them establish necessary relationships based on confidence and trust  The ABS-MT applies to all stages of genetic resource activity:  Prior to access  Access (collection and discovery)  Academic research  Research and development  Commercialization

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14 14 Management Processes  Use in an Organization’s Management System or Procedures  Other Management Considerations:  The Participation of Indigenous and Local Communities  Documentation and Information-management sharing  Reporting  Emerging Practices on Certificate of Origin/Compliance with National Law

15 15 ABS – MT Decision Making

16 16 Implementation Support Program Purpose is to facilitate:  Broad use of the ABS-MT as a neutral source of guidance to ABS practice;  Adoption of the ABS- MT as a recognized ABS best practice standard for compliance with the Bonn Guidelines (and an international regime in the future); and  Support to users and providers of genetic resources to improve ABS practices and processes.

17 17 Proposed Implementation Strategy Main Activities Dissemination of information & ABS-MT Capacity building Support & technical services Strategic Elements Host Institution Partnerships Funding Governance

18 18 Host Institution – Potential TOR Identify key partner institutions to establish cooperative agreements, joint ventures, or contracted activities to support implementation Create an active ABS website with an interactive version of the ABS-MT Promote and provide outreach on use of the ABS-MT through guidance and the dissemination of neutral information Provide and facilitate capacity building and training for Providers and Users, using the ABS-MT as the basis Facilitate access to ABS expertise for development of ABS agreements or needed technical assistance through partnerships with other organizations or experts Liaison with the CBD Secretariat and represent the ABS MT at key international and national meetings related to ABS Animate the best practice network of ABS practitioners; and Identify funding sources and submit proposal for on-going funding to support ABS functions and activities

19 Host Institution Selection  Criteria  Knowledge of CBD and ABS issues  Perceived as neutral among a range of ABS interests  Experience in developing countries and cross-cultural environments  Existing institutional relationships and networks  Strong communications platforms in place  Organizational management capacity  Process  Swiss government (SECO) to identify and select : Tender; or Selection and direct negotiation 19

20 20 Potential Host Institutions ABS-MT Office would best be housed in an existing organization. Four neutral and internationally recognized organizations have been identified as possible hosts for an ABS-MT Office:  IUCN – The World Conservation Union ;  UNCTAD BioTrade Program;  United Nations University – Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU- IAS);  the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).  Other?

21 Potential Partnerships  Industry associations active on ABS;  Organizations promoting the use of related standards such as the  BioTrade Facilitation Program (BTFP); and  the IUCN/WWF/BfN International Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-MAP)  Research institutions;  Aboriginal and community groups;  Inter-governmental /multilateral organizations;  International NGOs;  Foundations ; and  Professional societies. 21

22 22 Fundraising + Potential Donors  To date, funding has been provided by SECO.  Potential donors can include:  foundations  bilateral donors  multilateral donors  industry.

23 23 Governance  Adoption and wide use of the ABS-MT will require international support and endorsement.  The Implementation Program may benefit from a governance structure which brings together key interests with a stake in the successful application of the ABS-MT. Possible elements of such a governance structure could include: 1)An International Steering Committee – with representation or individual membership from a regionally balanced set of interests – government, Indigenous and communities, industry, research community and NGOs; 2)A Tecnhnical Advisory Committee comprising of experts from a variety of disciplines and aspects of ABS practice; and 3)A Network of ABS Practitioners to ensure that the ABS MT remains up-to-date in its application, informed by experience and best practices around the world.

24 24 Factors for Successful Implementation Key factors for successful implementation of the ABS-MT:  Authoritative endorsement  Widely distributed  Adopted and applied  Feasible plan in place  Other?

25 Initiating the Implementation Support Program 1.Identify and select host institution 2. Fundraising from a variety of sources 3. Establishment of initial partnerships 4. Mounting web based version of ABS - MT 5. Broad dissemination of the ABS-MT 25

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