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Warm-up Describe two big advancements made by the people of Mesopotamia.

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1 Warm-up Describe two big advancements made by the people of Mesopotamia.

2 Geography of Egypt



5 The Nile - an oasis in the desert The Nile was set up almost perfectly for a civilization to grow on The river flooded every year in July – snow melting from mountains in Eastern Africa Floods receded in October – left behind fertile soil called silt – Irrigation seen in Egypt, as well

6 Other positives River is also great for transportation for most of its length – Flows South to North, wind usually North to South Easy transportation allowed for a mostly united civilization – NO CITY-STATES

7 Negatives of Egypt’s Geography Egyptians relied on the flooding If the floods were too low, fields didn’t get enough silt If floods were too high, important buildings were wiped out Egyptians were isolated by the desert surrounding them – Not as much trade as Mesopotamia, but not as much war, either

8 Style of Government Theocracy – authority in government is based on religion Rulers were god-kings called pharaohs Believed pharaoh was as powerful as other gods they worshipped Caused sun to rise, Nile to flood, etc.

9 Technology The Pyramids – massive tombs built for the pharaohs - incredibly advanced for their time We still don’t know exactly how they were built Writing system – hieroglyphics – Very advanced writing system – started out pictographic (symbols stood for words), turned into phonological (symbols stood for sounds) Similar to cuneiform – more detailed though Translated through Rosetta Stone - 1799

10 Technology Papyrus – paper-like substance made from reeds – Why is this an advantage over stone carvings like we saw in Sumer?

11 Other inventions Calendar – used to coordinate growing seasons – Very accurate – 365 days Number system – see to the right Medicine – very advanced doctors Shaduf – used for lifting water Eye make-up

12 Religion Polytheistic religion – many different gods Ra – the sun god Osiris – god of afterlife Isis – goddess of Anubis – judges souls motherhood Amut – Devourer of unworthy souls


14 Book of the Dead Souls were judged before person could enter afterlife – Heart was placed on a scale, weighed against a feather – If heart weighed more than a feather, it was a sign of a guilty person – no afterlife – Eaten by Amut, the Devourer of Souls Rich Egyptians received scrolls like this, so they knew how to pass tests and what they would encounter on their way into the afterlife

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