Terri Rowenhorst Director, Member Services Dani Pedrotti Director, Member Development Using Pre-Assessments for Personalized Learning in Developmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Terri Rowenhorst Director, Member Services Dani Pedrotti Director, Member Development Using Pre-Assessments for Personalized Learning in Developmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terri Rowenhorst Director, Member Services Dani Pedrotti Director, Member Development Using Pre-Assessments for Personalized Learning in Developmental Math

2 The NROC Project a sustainable non-profit effort Everyone’s learning!


4 Project Goal: Increase the number of financially-disadvantaged students prepared with math skills for college or career. Create an efficient path to mastery. Audience:  Adults ages 18-80 (average age = 28)  Students have failed math at least once  High School Remediation Funding: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Sustained by: Institutional Members of the NROC Network Modules:  Arithmetic  Beginning Algebra  Intermediate Algebra  Topics in Geometry and Statistics,  Trigonometry Topics coming spring 2013 Objectives:  Accelerate the path through remediation  Leverage the power of digital media  Offer multiple modes of instruction  Support multiple curricular standards  Allow for flexible course configurations  Built on 350 explicit learning objectives to allow fine-grained assessment Developmental Math – An Open Program

5 Unit Organization Standard Version Pre-Assessment Version

6 Unit Home – Landing Page

7 Unit Level Pre-Assessment



10 “My Learning Path” – a personalized learning plan

11 The topic home page orients learners to the objective and activities they may use to master the concepts and procedures within the topic. Students may work through the elements in order, jump to the elements assigned by their teacher, or to those elements they have discovered to be the best starting place for their personal learning approach.

12 Presentations offer a media-rich conceptual introduction to the topic with illustrated examples, and real-world applications. Different presenters appear throughout the course to appeal to different students.

13 Worked examples have been created by Salman Khan of Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org). Sal walks students through step-by-step examples (one for each objective) pointing out recommended strategies and procedures while writing the problems on the virtual blackboard. Careful use of color helps students see important information as they work through each problem.www.khanacademy.org

14 Practice problems - symbolic and word - are designed in adaptive sets, and offer students immediate feedback. Problems may be one of nine different types and include manipulatives.

15 The Summary Screen at the end of the Practice problems provides students with feedback. Students can click on the links provided to go directly to the material they should study within the integrated textbook before attempting the Review.

16 An integrated textbook provides comprehensive coverage of topics with additional explanations, manipulatives and examples. These pages may be printed per topic, or as a complete textbook for off-line studying and note-taking.

17 Review offers the learner an opportunity to prove mastery of the concepts within the topic, and update their Personal Learning Path.

18 A Review summary points students to the Topic Text for further review if needed.

19 Updated Unit Map – shows learner’s progress

20 Unit Concluding Summative Activites Collaborative Projects Tutor Simulations Simple Puzzles & Games Unit-level Assessments

21 Chattanooga State Community College Independent study program provided by Academic Support Services lab. NROC materials prepare students to retake COMPASS placement exams. Outreach to students trying to place into developmental math, as well as college level math courses. Results of pilot to date: average 30% increase in COMPASS scores. Catch the archive of last month’s webinar on this use case at the project website.

22 St. John’s School District (FL) Special class for high school seniors – “Math for College Success” Offered as supplement to classroom instruction with over 130 students at 5 different high schools. Results of pilot to date: over 90% pass rate.

23 Community College of Denver Adapting the resources for multiple formats: Fast Start developmental math in “flipped” classroom Online developmental math Special self-paced high school remediation program Accuplacer Prep Lab Pilot use of the NROC materials shows notable increases in Accuplacer scores for students who have worked with the NROC materials in the monitored Accuplacer Lab.

24 Brookhaven College Early College High School (cooperative program with Carollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District) Flipped classroom frees up classtime Focus on project-based and contextualized learning opportunities Overall improvement in math scores and attitudes about learning math.














38 Imagine the possibilities… Independent Study Placement Exam Labs SAT/ACT Prep Summer Credit Recovery HS/College Bridge Programs Emporium Model Flipped Classrooms Accelerated Learning And…..

39 Arithmetic, Beginning Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra Modules, with additional Statistics and Geometry Topics * Available NOW Trigonometry Topics – Coming Spring 2013 Pre-Assessment Version – Moodle format available today; IMS Common Cartridge available Summer 2013 Spanish closed captions coming in 2013 in cooperation with the University of Guadalajara Fall 2012 Pilot Use: 111 sections taught by 91 instructors at 27 institutions (10 with pre-assessment). Release Schedule

40 This session will be archived at NROCmath.org:

41 Thank you for your interest! Dani Pedrotti Director, Member Development 253-732-4788 dpedrotti@theNROCproject.org Terri Rowenhorst Director, Member Services 719-783-0804 trowenhorst@theNROCproject.org

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