Mathematical Practices.  Goals today: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematical Practices.  Goals today: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematical Practices




5  Goals today: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition Strategies: Introduction and Practice ◦ Number Talks: Demonstration, Video, Planning

6  Clear and specific standards designed to replace curriculums that are “a mile wide and an inch deep”  Based on research about how students learn mathematics  Focus on students understanding the math they do

7  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  4. Model with mathematics.  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.  6. Attend to precision.  7. Look for and make use of structure.  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

8  Read the mathematical practice assigned.  Make notes about what the words mean to you and what it looks like in the classrooms for your grade span. Be ready to share in 5 minutes.

9  Using your collective information, create a poster to illustrate the practice and what it looks like at your grade levels.  Leave room for others to add ideas.  Label the poster with the Mathematical Practice and the Grade Span.  Post your charts so they are spaced around the room.

10  Expert groups: ◦ Count off within your group A, B, C, etc. ◦ As, Bs, Cs, etc. will walk around together and view each poster. ◦ The ‘expert’ who helped to make the poster shares the Mathematical Practice with the group. ◦ Add any relevant information to each poster that your group discusses.

11 “ Standards for Mathematical Content are a balanced combination of procedure and understanding.” Common Core State Standards, p. 2

12 “ In short, a lack of understanding effectively prevents a student from engaging in mathematical practices.” Common Core State Standards, p. 2


14 3 + = 735 + 67 3001/2 + 2/3 = -136

15 59 + 13 =

16  Addition Strategies: ◦ Branching ◦ Decomposing ◦ Partial Sums ◦ Bridging

17  Branching Strategy:  9 + 7+ 1 + 8 + 6 + 8 = ☐  78 + 56 = ☐  262 + 425 = ☐

18  Decomposing Strategy:  8 + 7 = ☐  56 + 35 = ☐  262 + 425 = ☐

19  Partial Sums Strategy:  56 + 35 = ☐  768 + 597 = ☐

20  Bridging Strategy:  57 + 35 = ☐  68 + 59 = ☐  397 + 286 = ☐

21 59 + 13 =

22 Task: Using the construction paper, make a poster for each strategy that clearly demonstrates use of the strategy. Utilize strategy hand-out. Hang posters back in your classroom for student reference once the strategy is introduced.


24 What is a number talk? 59 + 13 = ?

25  Number Talks Number Talks

26 Number Talks: Classroom Environment and Community Classroom Discussions The Teacher’s Role The Role of Mental Math Purposeful Computation Problems

27  “We can’t teach what we don’t know, and we can’t teach well what we don’t understand.”  ~ Marilyn Burns

28  Reflect on Today’s Goals: ◦ Become familiar with the Mathematical Practices and what they mean and look like in instruction ◦ Addition Strategies: Introduction and Practice ◦ Number Talks: Demonstration, Video, Planning

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