Warm-up Copy HW Please clear your desk for the Chapter 27 quiz! Good Luck!! When you are done please turn the quiz upside down and read silently.

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1 Warm-up Copy HW Please clear your desk for the Chapter 27 quiz! Good Luck!! When you are done please turn the quiz upside down and read silently

2 The Olympic Games

3 Essential Questions!!! How does where you live affect how you live? How do culture and technology reflect values? How has the relationship between citizens and their government changed? How can societies use what they have learned from the past?

4 Ancient History The first recorded Olympic Games took place in Olympia, in the beautiful region of Elias, in 776 BC

5 Olympia Olympia was, and still is, a beautiful place, and many temples and statues were built. These were all built in dedication to Zeus, the Father of all Gods. The temple of Zeus, had as its centerpiece, sculptured by Phidias, was seen as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Also near to the temple of Zeus, was the wild olive tree from which the wreath crowns were made and presented to the winners of the events. Legend has it, this tree was planted by Herakles (Hercules).

6 Temple of Zeus at Olympia

7 Structure The ancient Olympics were rather different from the modern Games. There were fewer events, and only free Greeks born males, who had not committed murder or heresy, where allowed to take part in the games. Also, the games were always held at Olympia instead of moving around to different sites every time. Women were forbidden to compete, and were even banned from entering the stadium to watch the games

8 The Importance of the Olympic Games The Olympic Games were especially important to the Greeks, and it was the games that unified national, spiritual and racial beliefs. Winning an Olympic event was the highest honor people could achieve. The ancient games were also held in high regard for social reasons, as well as the athletic side. Poets and writers were given the chance to present their works to a large audience, members of different city-states would have the chance to meet and talk with members of other city-states.

9 The Importance of the Olympic Games. Leaders of the city-states would also come to discuss any personal differences that they were having with each other. The games were seen as a festival, and it was not acceptable for any negative issues or situations to occur during this time. Even during times of war and battle, and differences were put aside, so that the Olympics would be conducted in a peaceful manner.

10 The Modern Olympic Games In 1894 at an international congress, that was actually devised for the study of amateur sports. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded that year. Held in Athens in 1896 at the Panatheniac Stadium, the games heralded a welcomed return to the original beliefs and virtues of the ancient games. There were 43 events, which were competed in by 245 athletes, all of whom were male. Probably the biggest cheer of the 1896 Olympics was when a Greek Shepard, Spiridon Louis, was victorious in the most popular of all events, the marathon.

11 Athens 1896 100 meter dash Opening ceremonies

12 The Modern Olympic Games The Olympics have taken place every four years, since the first games in 1896. However, even the ideals of the Olympic Truce could not prevent the games being cancelled during the first and second world wars. The Winter Olympic Games were introduced in 1924, and also took place every four years. However, it wasn't until 1992 that it was decided that the Olympic and Winter Olympic games would not take place in the same calendar year. The Winter Games were moved forward two years to 1994, and would continue to take place at four-year intervals. During the 1896 games, 14 nations took part. At the 2000 Sydney Olympics, 199 nations took part. In 1896 there were 245 athletes (all male), in 2000 there were 10,651 (4069 women and 6582 men). And in 1896 there were 43 events, compared to the 300 events at the 2000 Olympics.

13 Athens 2004 The Olympic Games of Athens were a huge success, and showed to the world, that the Greeks, can achieve what they set out to do. The Athens Games showed that, though the world we live in today is much different from how it was over 100 years ago when the first Modern Olympic Games were held here in Athens, people from all corners of the globe, can come together as one, and unite under the flag of sport and peace. The Athens 2004 Games were a showpiece to the world, of the modern city of Athens, and the continuous growth of Greece as a whole. Greece can no longer be seen as country living in its past, when it's present and future holds so much. With some of the most modern sporting facilities and stadiums in the world, Athens delivered on its promise to host one of the most exciting, memorable and safe Games in recent years. The Greeks have shown that their hospitality and warmth still burns strong, and that everybody is treated as equal. The world came to Greece, and Greece welcomed the world to its doorstep. The Olympic Games came home, and did so in style.

14 Athens 2004

15 Closure-Review Questions Battle Time!!!!! Olympia 776 BCE Zeus Olive crowns Herakles Men Women Athens 1896 14,199 245, 10651 43, 300 Brazil

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