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Unit 1, Chapter 4 Abraham and Sarah Mr. Young Literature of the Bible.

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1 Unit 1, Chapter 4 Abraham and Sarah Mr. Young Literature of the Bible

2 Essential Question Why do families share stories about their ancestors, descendants, or relatives?

3 I CAN 1. Discover the key events in the life of Abraham and Sarah and their family 2. Describe the covenant motif as it is found in the story of Abraham 3. Discuss the difficult nature of the story of the binding of Isaac 4. Identify the significant role Abraham plays in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

4 Abraham gets called Video 3fNtS4&feature=related 3fNtS4&feature=related 2 min

5 Beginning of the story Two major themes from these chapters: 1. Relationships 2. Call, or mission from God Abram was from the city of Ur in Mesopotamia His journey is one of faith

6 Departure of Abraham by Bassano

7 Surprising Candor (Genesis 12:10- 20) When Abram was driven to Egypt by a famine, Sarai became his Sister Pharaoh took her into his harem Plagues*- Diseases or other natural misfortunes

8 Question to consider Can it be alright to lie to save your life or that of another?

9 Surprising Candor Cont. Sarai would persuade her Abram to sleep with Hagar, her Egyptian maidservant Hagar would give birth to Ishmael, whom God blesses as a great nation (16:5-11 Biblical heroes are also flawed humans

10 Signs of Promise Another theme: emphasis on God’s promises Covenant*- a formal, solemn, and binding agreement Abram-”exalted ancestor” Abraham-”ancestor of a multitude”

11 Sodom and Gomorrah God’s patience wears thin and he determines to destroy the city Abraham bargains with God over the city Lot’s wife looks back, only to be turned into a pillar of salt

12 Lots Wife Video 8rzZsQ 8rzZsQ 30 seconds

13 The Test Abraham is asked to take his son, Isaac, and sacrifice him on a hill God provides a ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac

14 Abraham sacrifices Isaac KH7Bbg KH7Bbg Cartoon 4 min

15 Two Views JewishChristian Test of Abraham’s faith Affirmation of God’s mercy Binding of Isaac See this as a foreshadowing of the sacrifice God would make when sending his son Jesus Sacrifice of Isaac

16 Father Abraham Father Abraham Model of Faith Father of the chosen people Also important in the faith of Islam, considered a founding father Qur’an*-scripture or holy text of Islam Monotheist*- worshipper of one God Descendants of Ishmael

17 Abraham’s Genology

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