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Fun with English 4A Free talk Whats the matter? Im …. hungry thirsty hot cold ill tired.

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2 Fun with English 4A



5 Free talk Whats the matter? Im …. hungry thirsty hot cold ill tired


7 Step 1 Watch the flash. Pay attention to the pronunciation and tone. Answer the question: What s the matter with Liu Tao?


9 Whats the matter with Liu Tao? He is thirsty and tired.

10 Step 2 Read the dialogue quickly. ( Try to answer some questions: 1.How many people are there in the dialogue? 3. Where are they? 2Who are they?

11 1. How many people are there in the dialogue? Three. Father Mother and Liu Tao. 2.Who are they? 3. Where are they At home.

12 Step 3 Read the dialogue by yourselves and mark the words and sentences you don t understand.

13 Why dont you …? …… ?

14 go to school go to bed get up have lunch Lets choose 1.Its six oclock.Why dont you now? 2.Its seven oclock. Why dont you now? 3.Its twelve oclock. Why dont you now? 4.Its nine oclock. Why dont you now?

15 a glass of water

16 Whats the matter? Im cold. Heres … for you.

17 Im hungry. Heres… for you.

18 Come and have some cakes, Liu Tao. Im not hungry. Im thirsty. Heres a glass of water for you. Thank you, Mum. Listen carefully and try to imitate the pronunciation and tone.

19 What s the matter, Liu Tao? No. I m tired. Oh, dear! Are you ill?

20 Why don t you go to bed now? OK. Good night, Dad. Good night. Good night, Mum.

21 Read the dialogue in groups. (. Read the dialogue in roles. ( ) Step 3 Choose the style you like. ( )

22 Come and have some cakes, Liu Tao. Im not hungry. Im thirsty. Heres a glass of water for you. Thank you, Mum. No. Im tired. Oh, dear! Why dont you go to bed now? Good night. OK. Good night, Dad. Good night, Mum. Whats the matter, Liu Tao? Are you ill?

23 Make a dialogue and try to act. ( ) consolidate

24 Liu Taos parents care him very much. In the world, lots of people need our help. (

25 Try your best to help them. Then they will have a better life.

26 1.Read the dialogue with expression and try to recite. 2. Finish the copybook on page 61 ( 61


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