 Both developed and developing nations of the world are faced with social, economic, and cultural problems brought about by inequities.  Some groups.

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Presentation on theme: " Both developed and developing nations of the world are faced with social, economic, and cultural problems brought about by inequities.  Some groups."— Presentation transcript:


2  Both developed and developing nations of the world are faced with social, economic, and cultural problems brought about by inequities.  Some groups and individuals choose to address these unequal conditions through the use of terrorist activities.

3  Terrorism is the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for political reasons.  Major causes of terrorism are political and religious extremism.

4  1972 Summer Olympics in Munich Germany, members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage.  The team was taken by a group called Black September who were Palestinians. http://www.globalnews.ca/world/

5  Black September wanted over 200 Palestinians and 2 Germans to be released from prisoners in exchange for the hostages.  In the end, 17 people were killed and 2 of the members of the terrorist group escaped. http://www.globalnews.ca/world/

6  On October 12, 2000, terrorists attacked the USS Cole.  A warship that was refueling in a port in Yemen, a country located on the Arabian Peninsula.  Seventeen American sailors were killed.

7  In Mumbai, India between November 26-29 th 2008, the city was rocked by 10 bombings and shooting.  The attack was carried out by Islamic terrorists with ties to Pakistan.  The causalities include at least 308 wounded and 164 people were killed.  There have been several attacks in Mumbai dating back to 1993 the destruction of a mosque.

8  On September 11, 2001, hijackers gained control of four airliners, crashing three of them into prominent American buildings: the Pentagon and the two 110-story towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.  The fourth plane crashed into the ground in western Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board. A total of 266 passengers and crew on the four hijacked planes lost their lives. http://www.september11news.c om/Flight93.htm

9  Over 3000 people died in the World Trade Center Attack as well as bring New York to a standstill for several days.  More than 164 people died in the Pentagon attack including the crew and passengers on the planes.  The attacks undertaken by Al-Qaeda which did not agree with U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. http://www.september11news.com

10  Terrorists use many methods such as  Car bombs which have been used against U.S. forces in Iraq as well as the Irish Republican Army against Great Britain to free Northern Ireland in the 1970’s and 1980’s.  Suicide bombers have been a tactic used by the Palestinians in their fight for territory against Israel since the 1980’s.  Airline Hijacking has been a method used by terrorists since the 1950’s. The hijackers usually demand release of prisoners or to make a political demand.

11 http://news.bbc.co.uk-http://news.bbc.co.uk- 2005 bombing of journalist car in Beriut

12 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/

13 http://www.espreson.com/news-of- indi

14  Surveillance- Ex. The FBI works with the Department of Homeland Security in conducting surveillance on suspected terrorists.  Review of privacy rights- The U.S. Congress passed the Patriot Act which lessen the restrictions on law enforcement in regards to be able to wire-tap, review email, and other personal record when individuals are suspected of terrorist activities.

15  Security at ports and airports-  The TSA screens all passengers going through Airports in the United States.  The Coast Guard, TSA, and U.S. Customs work together to inspect incoming ships by having the countries they departed from pre-screen the goods on the ships before they enter the U.S.  Government issued identifications and photos  After 9/11, the U.S. government and states made it hard to obtain legal identifications such as passports and driver’s licenses without proper paperwork.

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