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Civil War The Civil War was a turning point in the development of a national system of transportation!

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1 Civil War The Civil War was a turning point in the development of a national system of transportation!

2 Pacific Railway Act While the Southerners were absent from Congress the North passed the Pacific Railway Act-subsidies in the form of land grants were given to build the transcontinental railroad. The railroad produced a national economy!

3 Promontory Point, Utah-Central Pacific and Union Pacific met and laid a golden spike!

4 Transcontinental Railroad The railroad was built by the Chinese and Irish immigrants with help from African Americans. They raced to see who could lay the most tracks.

5 Time Zones

6 Homestead Act 160 acres of land given to settlers to go West

7 Native Americans The building of the Transcontinental Railroad impacted Native Americans in the West. Sharp shooters hired by the railroad killed the bison. Native Americans were forced off of their land just like during the Trail of Tears(Georgia to Oklahoma).

8 A Century of Dishonor A book written by Helen Hunt Jackson that called attention to mistreatment of the Native Americans. Resulted in the Dawes Severalty Act- tried to force Native Americans to assimilate into American culture (reservation land)

9 Battle of Wounded Knee When Native Americans attempted to revive their traditions such as the “Ghost Dance” it resulted in a massacre of the Native Americans at Wounded Knee!

10 Industrial Revolution After the CW, the US entered a period of economic growth due to the Factors of Production. Factors of Production-land, labor, capital, technology and entrepreneurship.

11 Government The government provided an atmosphere where business could thrive! Laissez-Faire- “hands off”/government allowed Big Business to do as they please

12 Dartmouth v. Woodward Patent laws that protected the rights of inventors

13 Gibbons v. Ogden The national government regulates interstate trade

14 Classwork Read 5.2 in EOC Workbooks (popcorn reading or a chosen reader in group) Answer questions Read 5.3 in EOC Workbooks (popcorn reading or a chosen reader in group) Answer questions Turn into orange bin

15 Republican Party The Republican Party promoted Big Business after the CW. Protective Tariff- tax on imports that protected American made products

16 Immigration The government promoted open immigration. After the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed that denied Chinese immigration for 10 years

17 Government The government took the side of management over workers and broke up strikes like the Great Railroad Strike of 1877.

18 International Markets The surplus of trade created by the Industrial Revolution led to the expansion of international markets.

19 Capitalism Economic system of private ownership of property and the use of that property to make a profit (free-enterprise system).

20 Monopolies Corporations raised money by selling stocks before the Civil War. After the Civil War, corporations used monopolies and mergers (trust).

21 Railroad The railroad was the economic engine that drove the economy! It contributed to the growth of steel, lumber, the meat packing and coal industries

22 Andrew Carnegie Made millions in the steel industry Vertical Integration- Bessemer Process Wrote “The Gospel of Wealth” about philanthropy trying to improve his image Called “robber baron”-made money by unethical means

23 John D. Rockefeller Made millions in the oil industry Horizontal integration Standard Oil- first trust Philanthropist-libraries and colleges

24 Sherman Anti-Trust Act Congress said companies could not combine to form monopolies. Progressive Movement- attempt to clean up Big Business and Government

25 Ideologies of “Captains of Industry” Social Darwinism- survival of the fittest Laissez-Faire- “hands off” government practices Horatio Alger- “Rags to Riches” stories philanthropy

26 1900’s Higher standard of living New consumer products Electricity (Thomas Edison) tripled production Typewriter (Christopher Sholes) improved communication in business Telephone (Alexander G. Bell) improved communication in business

27 Farmers Mechanization caused overproduction-steel plow, reaper, etc. Farmers were unable to pay back loans. Granger Organization- formed by farmers to discuss common problems such as high railroad rates Granger Laws- state laws that attempted to regulate railroad prices but were struck down by the Supreme Court

28 Interstate Commerce Act The Federal Government regulated railroad prices. First time the Federal Government regulated business.

29 Populist Party Farmers Regulation of railroads and banking *Free and unlimited coinage of silver (did not pass) Secret ballot Direct election of Senators/17 the Amendment Graduated income tax/16 th Amendment Eight hour work day

30 Workers Workers Joined together to protect themselves from abuses in the workplace (long hours, little pay & terrible working conditions). Immigrants, women and children worked for less. Immigrants and African Americans that broke strike lines were called “scabs”. Workers were controlled with company stores and homes, “yellow dog” contracts and blacklisting.

31 Knights of Labor Unskilled workers Blamed for the Haymarket Square Bombing

32 Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Government intervened on the side of management (owners).

33 American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Skilled workers only “Bread and Butter” issues-more pay, less hours better conditions

34 Election 1896 Farmers and workers v. Big Business William Jennings Bryan – “Cross of Gold” Speech William McKinley-.front porch campaign Soft money v. hard money Bimetallism (wanting both silver and gold) Big Business supported McKinley and he won!


36 Workers Some worker’s issues will be addressed during the Progressive Era and later during the New Deal (30’s).

37 Urbanization Immigration caused cities to grow outwards and upwards. Farmers & African Americans also went to the cities. Immigration patterns changed from northern and western Europe to southern and eastern Europe. Nativism- dislike of immigrants because they took jobs

38 Ethnic Communities Immigrants formed their own communities and did not assimilate. They voted for people who did favors for them. Political Bosses and Machines ran the corrupt governments during the Gilded Age (graft and bribery). Boss Tweed- NY City Boss

39 City Problems Housing Sanitation Transportation Water Crime fire

40 African Americans African Americans left the south and went north due to soil exhaustion and the boll weevil causing poor cotton yields and Jim Crow Laws. Exodusters-migration of African Americans to Kansas

41 Classwork Read and complete 5.6 in your EOC workbook Start on Chapter 5 review (terms must be in complete sentences) Example: The transcontinental railroad ran from East to West and caused a great economic incline in the country Do not do the following terms: Light bulbInterlocking directorates Leisure and entertainmentClosed shop Work in pairs

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