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Prayers for others. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayers for others. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayers for others

2 Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others

3 Dear God, Thank you for the lovely family that we have. Please help the children that aren’t like us. Please give everyone lots of food. Amen. Prayer (by Amy Needham)

4 We thank You, Lord, not just for our family at home, but for the church family gathered around us. At this busy time, show us how to make time for one another. As we enjoy ourselves, it’s hard to remember those for whom Christmas is not a happy time. May Your church be a place where all are valued and cared for. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others

5 Dear God, Help us on this day to think about these children in pain and all of the people who help them to live happier lives. Amen Prayer (by Alexandra Cooper)

6 We pray for all children who suffer at this time, whether from illness, or because of neglect. We pray for all charities, which, like Action for Children, work to help children and families have better lives. Be with them, and help them to keep trusting in You, even when times are difficult. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others

7 Dear God, Help protect neglected children. Give them a safe place to stay and a respectful carer. Don’t let them get hurt through neglect. In Jesus’ name. Amen Prayer (by Sean Armstrong)

8 We pray for charities like Childline, who are often the first to hear if children are in difficulties. Give them a listening ear, and show them how to respond. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others

9 Dear God, Help us to remember to treat each other with respect and how we would like to be treated ourselves. Thank you for our lovely families. Amen Prayer (by Eva Turner)

10 Lord, we pray for our own families at Christmas time; for those who will be with us, and for those who will be far away; for those too young to understand all the excitement, and for those who feel sad because of memories of those who are no longer with us. Help us to be patient with one another, and show us how we can put the love of Jesus at the heart of Christmas. Lord, all time is Yours; Show us how best to use it. Prayers for others

11 Dear Lord, Make sure all of the neglected children find a new and better home. Thank you to Action for Children for making it happen. Amen Prayer

12 We bring all these prayers to You, together with the prayer given to us by the one who said ‘Let the children come to me’; even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen Prayers for others

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