Financial Literacy Services Edgewood College Madison, Wisconsin.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Literacy Services Edgewood College Madison, Wisconsin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Literacy Services Edgewood College Madison, Wisconsin

2 Financial Literacy Services at Edgewood College 1. Increase students’ understanding of the importance of financial education & knowledge 2. Increase understanding of specific financial issues 3. Increase understanding of how to manage a budget 4. Raise awareness of on- and off-campus resources

3 Program Focus  Budgeting  Credit  Saving and Investing  Banking  Minimizing Student Loan Debt  Insurance and Risk Management  Critical Consumerism  Economic Justice

4 History  Year One, 2009-2010 1 program on budgeting and minimizing student loan debt for all new freshmen 2 Money Smart Week Events  Year Four, 2012-2013 50 programs per year Average of 9 one-on-one meetings per month Over 1300 contacts per year

5 Audience  Edgewood College Undergraduates  Faculty and Staff  Community Groups

6 Outreach  Programming  One-on-One Meetings  Print Material  Online Material

7 Staffing  Financial Literacy Services Director  Peer Educator Staff Lead Peer Educator Assessment and Data Specialist Graphic Designer and Publicist General Peer Educator  Various Community Partners  Various Campus Partners

8 Funding and Resources Funding  Grants Resources  Campus Partnerships Campus Experts Clubs and Organizations  Community Partnerships Experts from local Financial Institutions and Organizations Alumni

9 Grant Process: Phase 1  Determine Needs  Search for Grant Opportunities  Seek support from campus partners  Write Grant  Submit Grant  Follow Up

10 Grant Components  Introduction: Project Description and Goals  Documentation of Need  Detailed Program Review and Objectives  Target Population and Numbers Served  Intended Outcomes and Evaluation Develop/increase students’ understanding of specific financial issues Improved student responses on post-tests compared to pre-tests

11 Grant Components  Proposed Budget Salaries  Coordinators  Instructors  Peer Educators Materials Professional Development  Organizational Capacity

12 Grant Process: Phase 2  Plan for the next grant  Begin collecting supporting data  Follow all grant requirements  Submit a final grant report Project Description Goals, Outcomes and Evaluation/Assessment Notable Advancements Resource Allocation Summary/Reflection

13 Key Partnerships  Financial Aid Office Aid experts Referrals Co-programming  Alumni & Advancement Resources Connection to area experts

14 Key Partnerships  Residence Life Resident Assistant Programming Requirement Training Peer Educator  Career Services Career Week Overlapping themes  Health Services and Personal Counseling Wellness Programming

15 Key Partnerships  Economics Department Personal Finance Course Offering Campus Experts NIFEL  Human Issues Department COR Course Integration Campus Experts: Socioeconomic Issues/Justice  Business and Math Departments Promotion partners

16 Key Partnerships  Center for Diversity & Inclusion Programming space Strong partners  Learning Support Services Math Lab Bridge Program

17 Key Partnerships  Student Organizations Black Student Union Circle K Veteran's Club Club Treasurers Commuter Student Association Student Government

18 Community Partnerships  Credit Unions UW Credit Union, Summit Credit Union  Banks near campus Associated Bank, Wells Fargo  Commonwealth Development  Tennant Resource Center  UW Extension  Alumni

19 Peer Educator  Role Connection between students and program coordinator  Needs  Programming ideas Administrative tasks  Assessment  Handouts Advertising and Marketing Program Development

20 Peer Educator  Benefits Paid Position Professional Development/Resume Builder Financial Education Rewarding/Fun Networking  On campus  Within community

21 Keys to a Good Program  Student Involvement  Partnerships  Content that connects with intended audience  Marketing  Incentives Prizes Food  Make it fun!

22 Budgeting

23 Buddy the Elf’s Budgeting Workshop Sponsored By: Residence Life and Financial Literacy Services

24 Credit

25 Contracts and Consumerism

26 Partnership Programs

27 Community Outreach  Boys and Girls Club  Various Summer Camps  Commonwealth Development  Area High Schools


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